[HFDlist] Fwd: Ambulance Intake Procedure Change

Ethan Naiman enaiman at holdenma.gov
Tue Jan 23 14:32:13 UTC 2024

EMS Providers,

See below and attached PowerPoints regarding a new "workflow" starting  
at umass today are 1100hrs.  

----- Forwarded message from Christopher Montiverdi  
<cmontiverdi at holdenma.gov> -----
   Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2024 08:10:38 -0500
   From: Christopher Montiverdi <cmontiverdi at holdenma.gov>
Subject: Fwd: Fw: Ambulance Intake Procedure Change
     To: enaiman at holdenma.gov
     Cc: ssmith at holdenma.gov, rhall at holdenma.gov



  So UMass went live with a new triage process for ambulances. Its  
going to be a work in progress to work out all the bugs, but  
all-in-all it isn't too bad.  I worked last night and offloaded a  
patient that I normally would have taken to the front triage in about  
10 minutes.  attached is a power point that the ED and one of the WEMS  
Lt. put together.  They are asking for crews to leave an alternate  
exit than the main ED ambulance entrance. If you walk down CT hallway  
(where we bring stokes and falls on thinners) keep walking to the end  
of that hallway, go thru double doors and turn right, that will take  
you out to the ED dock. In the slide deck they call that hallway the  



-------- Forwarded Message --------

   SUBJECT: 	     Fw: Ambulance Intake Procedure Change
   DATE: 	     Tue, 23 Jan 2024 12:57:41 +0000
   FROM: 	     Montiverdi, Christopher  
<Christopher.Montiverdi at umassmemorial.org>[1]
   TO: 	     Christopher Montiverdi <cmontiverdi at holdenma.gov>[2]


   FROM: McCluskey, Adam <Adam.McCluskey at umassmemorial.org>[3]
SENT: Friday, January 19, 2024 6:16 PM
TO: EMS Program <EMSProgram at umassmemorial.org>[4]
SUBJECT: Ambulance Intake Procedure Change      

   Hello All, 
   I wanted to follow up on a page sent this afternoon. There was a  
trial of the new ambulance intake procedure (previously ambulance  
triage) today from 1100-1500. From preliminary feedback the process  
seems to have operated smoothly with reduction in wait times between  
EMS arrival and hand off to appropriate staff. 
   Briefly, in an attempt to facilitate EMS handoff to prevent delays  
in triage, and to mitigate communication breakdown between nursing and  
EMS staff, a joint committee of nursing, EMS, and hospital  
administrators was appointed to design and implement a new work flow  
for the triage process. The new process will go into effect officially  
Monday 01/22/24 at 1100 with plan to evaluate efficacy after 30 days. 
   The new plan is as follows: 
   When EMS arrives at the ED the patient will be registered, and the  
charge nurse will either direct patient to placement in a room/  
hallway, or to placement in EMS triage. This EMS triage area will be  
directly across from the registration/ flow desk extending down the  
hallway towards exit to cath. lab/ cafeteria hallway. If directed to  
ambulance triage report will be given to assigned Ambulance Triage RN  
and assigned to either one of the beds in this area, or one of the  
wheel chairs in this area. This ends EMS involvement. The patient will  
then be evaluated for stability and assigned accordingly, with  
hospital staff to transfer patient to main triage or to room/ hallway.  
The ask is that after giving report to the Triage RN that EMS crews  
continue down this hallway (past staff bathroom), exit through the  
double doors and utilize the exit from the ED at the end of this  
hallway to reduces traffic from unloaded stretchers. 
   Nursing staff and hospital staff are aware of this new work flow  
and can assist during the first few weeks. Please provide assistance  
to out of town Fire/EMS agencies once you are familiar with the  
process. Any questions about work flow, or feedback about the new  
process please email me, and this will be passed along to the assigned  
committee. I am attaching a power point created by Nurse Manager  
Dulmaine that provides visuals for the above described work flow.   
   Thank you, 
   Adam McCluskey 
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----- End forwarded message -----

[1] mailto:Christopher.Montiverdi at umassmemorial.org
[2] mailto:cmontiverdi at holdenma.gov
[3] mailto:Adam.McCluskey at umassmemorial.org
[4] mailto:EMSProgram at umassmemorial.org
    Ethan Naiman
   Captain/EMS Coordinator
   Holden Fire Department
   1370 Main Street
   Holden, MA 01520
   Office: 508-210-5659
enaiman at holdenma.gov
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