[HFDlist] COVID-19 Vaccine Link for First Responders attachments

Russ Hall rhall at holdenma.gov
Fri Jan 8 17:00:12 UTC 2021


Here are the attachments that are mentioned in the email for the clinic.


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Name: CMRPHA COVID-19 Insurance  Screening Form Final.doc
Type: application/msword
Size: 65536 bytes
Desc: not available
URL: <http://lists.holdenma.gov/pipermail/firedept/attachments/20210108/200573d0/attachment-0002.doc>
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Name: Moderna FAQ Sheet.pdf
Type: application/pdf
Size: 321306 bytes
Desc: not available
URL: <http://lists.holdenma.gov/pipermail/firedept/attachments/20210108/200573d0/attachment-0001.pdf>
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Name: VACCINE COMPONENTS 2020-2021.doc
Type: application/msword
Size: 42496 bytes
Desc: not available
URL: <http://lists.holdenma.gov/pipermail/firedept/attachments/20210108/200573d0/attachment-0003.doc>

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