[HFDlist] EMS Training 2019

Ethan Naiman enaiman at holdenma.gov
Tue Jan 22 13:28:20 UTC 2019

  Hi All,

There will be no EMS training this Month. However, I will be available  
from 1830-2030 at HQ tonight (1/22/19) for anyone who needs assistance  
in completing their recert paperwork.

Attached is the EMS training schedule for 2019. I have compiled a  
training schedule that is budget conscious, covers a vast array of  
topics and mandatory training's, while allowing for some of the  
training to be completed on your own schedule. There is also a mix of  
"on-duty" training. These will be up to the officer of the shift to  
determine the best time to deliver the course. If you are a call  
member interested in completing an on-duty training for EMS credits,  
you should reach out to the officers to determine a time in which this  
can be completed with one of the groups.

Self study topics will be posted here at HQ on the billboard just  
outside of the full-time office. These can be completed and returned  
anytime with-in the month that it is posted. These will be journal  
reviews/research topics. You should review the journal entry (make  
copies as necessary), and write an approx. 1 page essay response, that  
includes citing sources, and return it to my mailbox for credit.

Additionally, we will be moving M&M rounds to the night in each of the  
quarterly months. The exact schedule of this will be at the discretion  
of the medical director, but the quarterly months will remain March,  
June, September, and December.

Let me know if you have questions.


  Ethan Naiman
EMS Coordinator
Holden Fire Department
1370 Main Street
Holden, Ma 01520
Office: 508-210-5659
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