[HFDlist] Fwd: Direct Deposit

rhall at holdenma.gov rhall at holdenma.gov
Tue Jan 15 23:31:41 UTC 2019

FYI from the Treasurers Office.


----- Forwarded message from Sharon Lowder <slowder at holdenma.gov> -----
     Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2019 17:34:37 -0500
     From: Sharon Lowder <slowder at holdenma.gov>
Reply-To: slowder at holdenma.gov
  Subject: Direct Deposit
       To: Susan Scott <sscott at holdenma.gov>, John Woodsmall  
<JWoodsmall at holdenma.gov>, David Armstrong <darmstrong at holdenma.gov>,  
Peter Lukes <plukes at holdenma.gov>, Denise Morano  
<dmorano at holdenma.gov>, Pamela Harding <pharding at holdenma.gov>, Dale  
Hickey <dhickey at holdenma.gov>, Stephanie Bacon <sbacon at holdenma.gov>,  
Russ Hall <rhall at holdenma.gov>, Lori Rose <lrose at holdenma.gov>, Sharon  
Lowder <slowder at holdenma.gov>, Rose Scully <rscully at holdenma.gov>,  
"Jane D. Parenteau" <jparenteau at holdenma.gov>, Louise Charbonneau  
<louisec at holdenma.gov>
       Cc: Erin Trainor <etrainor at holdenma.gov>

To All:

Just to let you know that the direct deposit will not be in employee  
accounts until Thursday.  This is due to the increased scrutiny  
required on all payrolls.

Going forward this is going to be the norm for the payroll process.
As a reminder: Payday is Thursday.

Please inform your employees of this change.

Thank you.
Sharon Lowder

----- End forwarded message -----

Russ Hall
Fire Chief
Holden Fire Dept.
1370 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520
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