[HFDlist] DPH Vaccine Reporting Mandate

Russ Hall rhall at holdenma.gov
Thu Dec 21 19:37:39 UTC 2023

All EMS Providers:

Less than a month ago, DPH enacted a vaccine mandate for all EMS 
personnel and required ambulance services to offer Flu and COVID 
vaccinations to ambulance service employees by 12/31/23.  As part of 
this mandate, the department will be required to report on vaccination 
status of employees through a DPH portal by 2/15/24. Attached is a memo 
outlining the program and what we as a service need to accomplish in a 
very short time frame.  We have setup 2 dates for vaccinations at Holden 
Urgent Care but need a headcount by 12/22 so they know how many are 
interested.  We also have setup vaccinations at Heywood Occupational 
Health for anyone who does not have insurance or would incur an out of 
pocket cost.  As part of this mandate, we need to retain records on 
employee vaccinations that DPH can view at the station at any time.  I 
have attached a declination/verification form that can be used to claim 
an exemption, decline the vaccinations or verify you have received 
them.  This is not a department or town mandate and at this time we will 
not be implementing any changes to our EMS policies on PPE use based 
upon vaccination status unless a further mandate from DPH is issued.  
Any questions, please feel free to contact me.


Chief Hall

Russ Hall
Fire Chief/EMD
Holden Fire Dept.
1370 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520
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