[HFDlist] HFD COVID-19 Travel Policy

Russ Hall rhall at holdenma.gov
Thu Jul 16 19:42:09 UTC 2020


  As some of you are aware, the Town came out with a COVID travel policy 
last week that was global but not really effective for public safety or 
first responder interests.With the COVID-19 Pandemic and the ever 
changing areas of the nation and the world that are becoming hotspots, 
it is understandable that the safety and wellness of our employees and 
their families should come first especially as we all begin to venture 
out.Without reviewing the issues with the original town policy, the 
department has drafted our own SOP on travel during COVID-19. This 
policy will allow us as a public safety department to ensure that we 
keep the safety of our department members as a top priority without 
restricting the rights of the individual.The policy will be added to our 
current SOP/SOG 1.8 Vacation/Personal Leave Requests and will be titled 
1.8A COVID-19 Travel Policy.As with any COVID-19 temporary policy, we 
will continually review to ensure that it is as current as possible as 
things change.This policy is for all department members and 
administrative staff and is attached.Any questions, please feel free to 
contact me.


Chief Hall

Russ Hall
Fire Chief/EMD
Holden Fire Dept.
1370 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520

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