[HFDlist] FW: Rescue University 2019 Links

Russ Hall rhall at holdenma.gov
Thu Sep 12 11:07:55 UTC 2019

All and Barry:

Excellent training opportunity on extrication, stabilization and lifting being offered by District 7.  Please follow the instructions on the flyer to sign up if interested.


Russ Hall
Fire Chief/EMD
Holden Fire Dept.
1370 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520

From: Chief David Hurlbut
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2019 3:12 PM
To: Chief Dana Robinson; Chief Dennis Letendre; Chief Jay Conte; sfd35chief at yahoo.com; jlegendre at bolton-ma.gov; Chief Joseph Flanagan; Chief Keith Newton; John Bennett; Chief Kevin Roy; Chief Patrick Sullivan; Chief Raymond Walker; Chief Richard Ares; Chief Richard Sicard; fire at phillipston-ma.gov; Chief Robert Hayes; Chief Thomas Smith; Chief Thomas Welsh; ChiefRobert Sideleau; Mark Boynton; Chief Michael Bussell; Chief Pedrazzi; nahkala88 at charter.net; Chief Rogowski; Seth Knipe; Chief Z. (FD8); Chief David Dickie; jcleveland at ashburnham-ma.gov; Russ Hall; mlutes at clintonfire.net; Kelly, Tim; Kyle Butterfield; mhanson at lancasterfd.net
Cc: Chief David Hurlbut
Subject: FW: Rescue University 2019 Links


FYI attached.  Please share with your departments. 


From: Matt Belsito <m.belsito at town.sutton.ma.us> 
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2019 2:54 PM
To: Chief David Hurlbut <dhurlbut at sterling-ma.gov>; Joseph Landry <FireChief at stow-ma.gov>
Cc: Charlie Poirier <CPoirier at firematic.com>
Subject: Rescue University 2019 Links

  Could you please send out to all your Chief’s and members within  D-8 and D-14. This training is open to any member of any Department that the Chief’s would like to send. It is on a first come first serve basis and can accommodate up to a 100 – members each day. The deadline for registration will be September 27th. Thank you and stay safe.
Matt Belsito
Chief-Sutton Fire/Rescue/EMS Department
Phone: 508-865-8737
Cell: 774-696-3327
Fax: 508-865-8738

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