[HFDlist] Fwd: EMT Class Opportunity
rhall at holdenma.gov
rhall at holdenma.gov
Mon Mar 18 12:45:36 UTC 2019
FYI if anyone is interested in a basic EMT course.
----- Forwarded message from District 8 <massfiredistrict8 at gmail.com> -----
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2019 22:31:26 -0400
From: District 8 <massfiredistrict8 at gmail.com>
Subject: Fwd: EMT Class Opportunity
To: Chief Dana Robinson <petershamfire at verizon.net>, Chief David
Hurlbut <david.hurlbut at sterlingfd.net>, "Chief David T. Dickie"
<chief at templetonfire.org>, Chief Dennis Letendre
<newbraintreefirechief at gmail.com>, Chief Dennis Levesque
<sfd35chief at yahoo.com>, "Chief James Cleveland Jr."
<jcleveland at ashburnham-ma.gov>, "Chief James M. Concannon"
<firechief at townofberlin.com>, Chief Jay Conte
<chiefconte at hotmail.com>, Chief Jeff Nahkala <nahkala88 at charter.net>,
Chief John Bennett <firechief at town.princeton.ma.us>, Chief John
Chandler <chandlerj3 at aol.com>, Chief John Mentzer
<jmentzer at bolton-ma.gov>, Chief Joseph Flanagan
<jflanagan at boylston-ma.gov>, Chief Joseph LeBlanc
<jleblanc at massdevelopment.com>, Chief Keith Newton
<dpw at royalston-ma.gov>, Chief Kevin Nivala <kevinnivala at gmail.com>,
Chief Kevin Roy <KRoy at fitchburgma.gov>, Chief Mark Boynton
<mboynton at townsendfire-ems.org>, Chief Michael Bussell
<Fchief at ashbyma.gov>, Chief Michael Hanson <mhanson at lancasterfd.net>,
Chief Patrick Sullivan <psullivan at lunenburgonline.com>, Chief Raymond
Walker <hardwickfd at comcast.net>, Chief Richard Ares
<rares at gardner-ma.gov>, Chief Richard Sicard <rsicard at harvard.ma.us>,
Chief Richard Stevens <wendyrich924 at gmail.com>, Chief Robert Hayes
<hubbardstonfire at gmail.com>, Chief Robert Pedrazzi
<firechief at ayer.ma.us>, Chief Robert Rogowski
<rrogowski at townofbarre.com>, Chief Robert Sideleau
<rsideleau at leominster-ma.gov>, Chief Russel Hall <rhall at holdenma.gov>,
Chief Thomas Smith <wfdchief39c at aol.com>, Chief Thomas Snay
<firechief at oakham-ma.gov>, Chief Thomas Welsh
<twelsh at westboylstonfire.org>, Deputy Chief James Peltier
<jpsfd35 at aol.com>, Deputy Chief Tim Kelly
<TKelly at massdevelopment.com>, Joseph Guarnera
<chiefafd at townofathol.org>, Kyle Butterfield
<KButterfield at westminster-ma.gov>, Retired Chief Brenton MacAloney
<macaloney at hotmail.com>, Retired Chief Bruce Baker
<brucesbaker at comcast.net>, Retired Chief Donald Klein
<Donald.klein2 at verizon.net>, Retired Chief Edward Oberg
<EROretchief at aol.com>, Retired Chief Edward Stark
<holdenfire at aol.com>, Retired Chief Jerry Descoteaux
<2c1jerry at gmail.com>, Retired Chief John Korhonen
<jjKORHONEN at comcast.net>, Retired Chief Joseph LaFrennie
<wfd39c1 at aol.com>, Retired Chief Joseph Rogowski
<barrefire at gmail.com>, Retired Chief Peter Warrren
<firepeter13 at gmail.com>, Retired Chief Ronald Cormier
<Ron9402 at aol.com>, Retired Chief Scott Glenny <sfglenny at gmail.com>,
Seth Knipe <sknipe at rutlandfd.us>, Warden Patricia Correia
<patricia.correia at state.ma.us>
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: CHIEF JAMES CLEVELAND JR. <jcleveland at ashburnham-ma.gov>
Date: Fri, Mar 15, 2019 at 1:53 PM
Subject: EMT Class Opportunity
To: District 8 <massfiredistrict8 at gmail.com>
Could you please forward the attached flyer to the group? _ _
___ ___
____Those who are members of an area department will be given
registration preference for this course. ____
_______ _______
___________ ___________
____________James Cleveland____________
______________Fire Chief______________
________________Ashburnham Fire Department________________
__________________Direct 978-252-5600__________________
____________________Cell 978-751-1593____________________
_______________________ _______________________
___-- ___
___Paul J. Zbikowski, Chief___
___Secretary Treasurer___
___Mass Fire District 8___
___26 Turnpike Rd.___
___Ashburnham, MA 01430___
___----- End forwarded message -----___
Russ Hall
Fire Chief
Holden Fire Dept.
1370 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520
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