[HFDlist] Chaffins Renovations

Sean Smith ssmith at holdenma.gov
Tue Mar 12 12:58:59 UTC 2019

Good Morning,

As previously discussed, we will be doing some minor renovations to 
improve the conditions at the Chaffins' Station. This project will 
include: constructing an area to keep the gear separated from the day 
room/ office space with better ventilation, Improving the kitchen area, 
upgrading the electric/ fire alarm system, improve the lighting, and 
replace ceiling tiles. This project will be completed by the building 
and ground department of the DPW with an anticipated start in the next 
few weeks.

If your gear is being stored on the wall near the bathroom, please move 
your gear and belongings to an open space on the wall near the apparatus 
bay by the end of this week.

Thank you for your anticipated corporation during these renovations. Any 
issues, please let myself or one of the station officers know.


Sean Smith
Deputy Chief
Holden Fire Department
1370 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520
(508)210-5650/ Fax (508)210-5657

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