[HFDlist] Promotional Exam 5/6

Russ Hall rhall at holdenma.gov
Thu May 4 08:11:00 EDT 2017


For those of you taking the exam on Saturday, see the following from 
Chief Coleman:

/We are all set. The test sets have arrived and are in a secure 
location. The location of the exam is the Auburn middle school, 9 West 
St. on the second floor in the Library. Candidates should arrive between 
830 and 845. Once the exam begins at 9 AM no candidates will be allowed 
in the room. //I have the list of candidates and each of them will need 
to initial next to their name when they arrive. Thanks./

Please remember to bring a photo ID with you for check in.



Russ Hall
Deputy Chief
Holden Fire Dept.
1370 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520

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