[HFDlist] Mandatory Ladder Training Times

jpoznanski at holdenma.gov jpoznanski at holdenma.gov
Mon May 1 13:34:01 EDT 2017

Hello all,
Thank you for your response. Here are the groups for each session. We  
have completed 2 test runs of the training to check times. We should  
be able to get each session done in 2 hrs or less.

Session 1= May 6 0900hrs @ HQ
-Rob Beer
-Max Jette
-Nicholas Kakalecz
-Ryan Murphy
-Barry Tupper

Session 2= May 6 1300hrs @ HQ
-Brendon Connor
-Derryl Dion
-Luis Garcia
-Mike Himmer
-Jeremy LaFlamme
-Dave Maloof
-Andrew Rodriguez

Session 3= Cancelled

Session 4= May 20 1300hrs @ HQ
-Amanda Beahn
-Dennis Carlson
-David Eddy
-Kevin Harmon
-Ryan Mouradian
-Brian Rushlow

Group 1 and Group 4 have already completed the training. We will do  
the remainder of the fulltime group while on duty to speed things up  
on the weekends. Any auxillary or recruit wishing to attend may show  
up at any session.

Note: Mandatory training makeups must be completed within 30 days of  
the scheduled training. I am trying to work with people as I  
understand we all have busy lives. I am willing to make special  
arrangements for people who make an attempt to contact me. If you do  
not attempt to make arrangements, your 30 days will begin May 6.

Thank you,

Joshua Poznanski
Holden Fire Department
1370 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520
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