[HFDlist] Housekeeping items

Russ Hall rhall at holdenma.gov
Wed Mar 8 15:04:58 EST 2017


A few housekeeping items that need to be addressed:

1. Just a reminder that anyone who has not successfully completed the 
SCBA confidence course from the November trainings will need to go 
through again and complete it ASAP as it is well over the 30 day 
period.  Also anyone who has not completed the SCBA training from 
February will need to get it completed prior to 3/21.

2. The department has a facial hair policy which addresses the grooming 
needs to comply with the SCBA standards and this has been communicated 
many times to all.  Any member who currently or at anytime has a full 
beard or the beginnings of a full beard should not respond to any calls 
or trainings until they comply with the department policy.

3. When coming in for a recall whether it be an EMS or Fire recall, 
remember that you are not to leave until you are released by an officer 
or the senior department member in charge.  Also please ensure that when 
you are in for a recall, you check yourself off and initial the payroll 
before leaving, this includes career staff members.  If you are not on 
the payroll sheet, you will not be paid for the callback.

Thank you attention to these matters:


Russ Hall
Deputy Chief
Holden Fire Dept.
1370 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520

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