[HFDlist] Firefighter Visits to FCC Nursery School

cborowy at holdenma.gov cborowy at holdenma.gov
Thu Mar 9 11:02:04 EST 2017

Hello Everyone,

 I have scheduled Firefighter/Truck visits to the First Congregational  
Church Nursery School. I am looking for a few people to help with the  
visits. We will be there for two consecutive days due to the separate  
ages and times. The first day is Wednesday March 29th which will have  
visits at 09:30 and 10:30. The second day is Thursday which will have  
one visit at 09:30. If anyone is available and would like to help out  
it is a great opportunity to build our relationship with the  
community. Please contact me back as soon as possible with your  
availablity. Thanks for your time.

Chuck Borowy
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