[HFDlist] Fwd: Fire Danger
Jack Chandler
jchandler at holdenma.gov
Tue Aug 19 11:35:05 EDT 2014
The following is a note from our District fire warden about the
potential for brush fires. This was sent a week ago and I believe we are
just as dry, or even drier now!
Please take a minute and read it!
With brush fire season around the corner please take a minute and make
sure all your brush gear is ready to go. We do not want firefighters
wearing the structural gear to brush fires as it can cause you to over
heat and also damage the expensive gear.
If you need any type of brush gear please let chuck Borowy know asap!
Jack Chandler, Chief
Holden Fire Department
1370 Main Street
Holden, Massachusetts 01520
Ph: 508-210-5650
Fax: 508-210-5667
JChandler at holdenma.gov
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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Fire Danger
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 21:15:27 -0400
From: Correia, Patricia (DCR) <patricia.correia at state.ma.us>
To: capt.gasco at yahoo.com <capt.gasco at yahoo.com>, Jackson, Keith Mr CIV
USA IMCOM <keith.m.jackson3.civ at mail.mil>, Bolton FD
<jmentzer at bolton-ma.gov>, DPH-OEMS-TLozier <fireinspct at townofathol.org>,
rares at gardner-ma.gov <rares at gardner-ma.gov>, Princeton Fire
<skidunits4you at aol.com>, Berlin FD <firechief at townofberlin.com>, Bolton
Fire <dfarrell at bolton-ma.gov>, Royalston Fire <dpw at royalston-ma.gov>,
Ashburnham FD <2c1jerry at gmail.com>, Athol FD
<firechief at townofathol.org>, Barre FD <barrefire at gmail.com>,
DPH-OEMS-JFlanagan <jflanagan at boylston-ma.gov>, Clinton FD
<jmclaughlin at clintonfire.net>, Mid-State Fire
<midstatefire at comcast.net>, Templeton FD
<chieflaporte at templetonfire.org>, Fitchburg FD <kroy at fitchburgma.gov>,
Gardner FD <rtherrien at gardner-ma.gov>, Harvard FD
<rsicard at harvard.ma.us>, Hardwick FD <hardwickfd at comcast.net>, Holden FD
<JChandler at holdenma.gov>, DPH-OEMS-RHayes <firechief at hubbardstonma.us>,
Lancaster FD <mhanson at lancasterfd.net>, Leominster FD
<rsideleau at leominster-ma.gov>, Lunenburg FD
<psullivan at lunenburgonline.com>, New Braintree FD
<FireChief at newbraintree.org>, DPH-OEMS-TSnay <firechief at oakham-ma.gov>,
Paxton FD <chiefconte at hotmail.com>, Petersham FD
<petershamfire at verizon.net>, DPH-OEMS-RStevens
<fire at phillipston-ma.gov>, Princeton FD
<firechief at town.princeton.ma.us>, DPH-OEMS-DHurlbut
<david.hurlbut at sterlingfd.net>, DPH-OEMS-TWelsh
<twelsh at westboylstonfire.org>, DPH-OEMS-KNivala
<firechief at westminster-ma.gov>, Winchendon FD <wfdchief39c at aol.com>,
Westminster Fire <knivala at westminster-ma.gov>, DPH-OEMS-SDillon
<sdillon at lunenburgonline.com>, DPH-OEMS-BWeber
<firechief at townofrutland.org>, bpasquale.ds at townofberlin.com
<bpasquale.ds at townofberlin.com>, c2wb at aol.com <c2wb at aol.com>,
chiefandjune at charter.net <chiefandjune at charter.net>,
ckoppetsch at westboylstonfire.org <ckoppetsch at westboylstonfire.org>,
cmed2c2 at aol.com <cmed2c2 at aol.com>, david.day at sterlingfd.net
<david.day at sterlingfd.net>, dchapin at holdenma.gov <dchapin at holdenma.gov>,
ddickie at templetonfire.org <ddickie at templetonfire.org>,
dganczarski.ds at townofberlin.com <dganczarski.ds at townofberlin.com>,
dhamel at templetonfire.org <dhamel at templetonfire.org>,
dispatch at townofberlin.com <dispatch at townofberlin.com>,
dispatch at townofrutland.org <dispatch at townofrutland.org>,
ellin at fas.harvard.edu <ellin at fas.harvard.edu>, etbbwelsh at comcast.net
<etbbwelsh at comcast.net>, fd745 at comcast.net <fd745 at comcast.net>,
fireinferno225 at comcast.net <fireinferno225 at comcast.net>,
firelieut3 at hotmail.com <firelieut3 at hotmail.com>,
firesecretary at townofrutland.org <firesecretary at townofrutland.org>,
footballdad62 at gmail.com <footballdad62 at gmail.com>,
ghannula at templetonfire.org <ghannula at templetonfire.org>,
gwilson at bolton-ma.gov <gwilson at bolton-ma.gov>, hopewell at charter.net
<hopewell at charter.net>, hubbardstonfire at gmail.com
<hubbardstonfire at gmail.com>, hzola.ds at townofberlin.com
<hzola.ds at townofberlin.com>, jcross1 at holdenma.gov
<jcross1 at holdenma.gov>, jleblanc at massdevelopment.com
<jleblanc at massdevelopment.com>, joberg at holdenma.gov
<joberg at holdenma.gov>, jpoznanski at holdenma.gov
<jpoznanski at holdenma.gov>, jpsfd35 at aol.com <jpsfd35 at aol.com>,
jricci at lunenburgonline.com <jricci at lunenburgonline.com>,
kgrebinar at hudsonnh.gov <kgrebinar at hudsonnh.gov>,
kjones at lunenburgonline.com <kjones at lunenburgonline.com>,
lbankowski at templetonfire.org <lbankowski at templetonfire.org>,
lfd19c1 at gmail.com <lfd19c1 at gmail.com>, lfwood at holdenma.gov
<lfwood at holdenma.gov>, mattm931 at hotmail.com <mattm931 at hotmail.com>,
mattronn at gmail.com <mattronn at gmail.com>, medicmarty at comcast.net
<medicmarty at comcast.net>, mrollins.ds at townofberlin.com
<mrollins.ds at townofberlin.com>, pbergstrom at ALLEGROMICRO.com
<pbergstrom at ALLEGROMICRO.com>, pbergstrom at holdenma.gov
<pbergstrom at holdenma.gov>, raresc2 at msn.com <raresc2 at msn.com>,
DPH-OEMS-RHall <rhall at holdenma.gov>, sadams at massdevelopment.com
<sadams at massdevelopment.com>, scharbonneau at holdenma.gov
<scharbonneau at holdenma.gov>, scordio at leominster-ma.gov
<scordio at leominster-ma.gov>, sk32061 at msn.com <sk32061 at msn.com>,
ssmith at holdenma.gov <ssmith at holdenma.gov>, tkelly at massdevelopment.com
<tkelly at massdevelopment.com>,
usarmy.devens.93-sig-bde.list.fort-devens-range-control at mail.mil
<usarmy.devens.93-sig-bde.list.fort-devens-range-control at mail.mil>,
Mountain, Wachusett (DCR) <wachusett.mountain at state.ma.us>,
wbfddeputy at charter.net <wbfddeputy at charter.net>, wfdharley at comcast.net
<wfdharley at comcast.net>, wisnewsk at fas.harvard.edu
<wisnewsk at fas.harvard.edu>
On the eve of some much needed rain, I wanted to pass along some fire
danger/fire weather observations. If you haven't noticed, we are dry.
The drought index today is at 454 - this is a measure of soil moisture
and maxes out at 800. Roughly, each 100 points equals about 1" down in
the soil that is dry. So, by the numbers, we are about 4.5" down that
is dry, probably a bit more. The build up index - a measurement of how
available fuels are to burn - is at 70, which means we went into the
Transition stage(fuels are curing) and fire danger is getting higher -
today we are at a Class 3 Day. The last time it was this high was the
summer 4 years ago when Holden had their big fire. The rain tomorrow
will only slow things for a few days, but not solve the problem. Plan
on any brush fires you respond to will be burning into the ground as
well. The long range projections are for a fall fire season with less
than normal rainfall.
With that, my staff will be monitoring the fire weather and will staff
the fire towers accordingly as they are needed. Thanks.
Patricia A. Correia
District 8 Fire Warden
Leominster State Forest
90 Fitchburg Road
Westminster, MA 01473-1644
Ph 978-874-0112 Fax 978-874-1096 Cell 508-889-2551
patricia.correia at state.ma.us <mailto:patricia.correia at state.ma.us>
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