[HFDlist] Fwd: [NEMSMA] SAFETY INFORMATION - Chevy Volt - NHTSA press release concerning crash fire risk

rhall at holdenma.gov rhall at holdenma.gov
Sun Nov 27 10:40:09 EST 2011


Interesting in case you ever come across one of these cars.

----- Forwarded message from skip.kirkwood at nemsma.org -----
     Date: Sat, 26 Nov 2011 09:13:29 -0500
     From: "Skip Kirkwood, President - NEMSMA" <skip.kirkwood at nemsma.org>
Reply-To: nemsma at googlegroups.com
  Subject: [NEMSMA] SAFETY INFORMATION - Chevy Volt - NHTSA press  
release concerning crash fire risk
       To: nemsma at googlegroups.com

Please take note of the following and provide wide dissemination among  
your agencies and other lists.


Thank you.

Skip Kirkwood, M.S., J.D., NREMT-P, EFO, CMO
National EMS Management Association
(919) 625-0053
skip.kirkwood at nemsma.org

"We will research, discover, develop, and promote the best and most  
promising practices in EMS leadership, management, and administration  
through example, education, and advocacy."

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----- End forwarded message -----

Russ Hall
Lieutenant/EMS Coordinator
Holden Fire Dept.
1370 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520
-------------- next part --------------
Please take note of the following and provide wide dissemination among your agencies and other lists.


Thank you.

Skip Kirkwood, M.S., J.D., NREMT-P, EFO, CMO
National EMS Management Association
(919) 625-0053
skip.kirkwood at nemsma.org

"We will research, discover, develop, and promote the best and most promising practices in EMS leadership, management, and administration through example, education, and advocacy."

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This listserver is provided by the National EMS Management Association to promote the free exchange of ideas between leaders in emergency medical services organizations. Opinions expressed on this list are the those of the author and do not represent the official position of NEMSMA or it's members. Inappropriate use of this list should be reported to the moderator.

NEMSMA is a non-profit professional membership organization dedicated to the improvement of EMS systems and EMS leadership regardless of system model or size. Discover other great benefits of NEMSMA membership at www.nemsma.org.

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