[HFDlist] November EMS Trainings

Ethan Naiman enaiman at holdenma.gov
Wed Oct 18 13:28:18 UTC 2023

Good Morning,

We will be offering EMS M&M Rounds on 11/15, at 6pm, in person at  
Headquarters. This will be skill based and we will be focusing on Epi  
Check/Inject Review for BLS, and Vent Review and Surgical Cric Review  
for paramedics. As a reminder, all paramedics are required to complete  
4 rounds annually, two of which must be through Umass.

Beginning on November 6, we will also be offering virtual reality  
pediatric call simulation. I am looking for a member or two interested  
in participating in the train-the-trainer session on 11/6. Please  
email me if you are interested. These virtual reality headsets will be  
available to us through 11/27. This is con-ed eligible.

    Ethan Naiman
   Captain/EMS Coordinator
   Holden Fire Department
   1370 Main Street
   Holden, MA 01520
   Office: 508-210-5659
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