[HFDlist] Fwd: Tercentennial festivities and road closures; June 10-12

Russ Hall rhall at holdenma.gov
Thu Jun 9 18:17:27 UTC 2022


Please see the below information on road closures in Worcester this 
weekend.  Particularly the closures in and around Grove Street and in 
the area of SVH on Saturday.  Please try and avoid these areas when 
transporting patients into the city.


Chief Hall

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Tercentennial festivities and road closures; June 10-12
Date: 	Thu, 9 Jun 2022 14:10:36 -0400
From: 	tdixson at cmemsc.org
Organization: 	Central MA EMS Corp.
CC: 	David Pederzani <dpederzani at cmemsc.org>

Good Afternoon EMS Providers

There are some festivities happening in the City of Worcester this 
weekend in celebration of their 300^th anniversary that we want to 
ensure you are aware of in case it affects your patient transports.  At 
this time the road closures should not directly affect access to the 
Worcester hospitals but an increase in vehicular and pedestrian traffic 
is expected, especially on Saturday. Maps of the road closures for 
Saturday are attached.

*The Tercentennial Weekend lineup includes:*

*_Friday, June 10_**
1700                       Tercentennial Weekend Kickoff featuring Canal 
District Stroll and Polar Park Fireworks*

  * There will be routine Polar Park game/event closures, however the
    only additional road that will be closed will be Norwich Street.
  * There will be heavier than normal foot traffic in the Canal District.

*_Saturday, June 11_*__

*0900-1030  Tercentennial Road Race, downtown Worcester *

  * Road closures begin at 0800**
  * The only roads that will be re-open after the race around 1030 are:

  * MLK (Main St to Major Taylor section)
  * Thomas St (Main St to Major Taylor section)
  * School St (Main St to Major Taylor section)

*1100-1230 Tercentennial Parade & Celebration, downtown Worcester*

  * The parade is scheduled to concluded around 12:30. Expected to
    re-open roads behind the last participant in the parade **


*Noon – 1700       Tercentennial Festival on the Worcester common 
featuring artists, crafters, musical performances, food trucks, and more*

*_Sunday, June 12_**_
_1600                       Tercentennial family Outing at the Worcester 
Bravehearts *

*1600 Tercentennial Boston Pops Concert at the DCU*

  * There is no scheduled road closures expect for Norwich Street at
    this time.
  * There is expected to be heavier than normal foot traffic around DCU.

*Tina Dixson*

Executive Director

Training Center Coordinator

NRAEMT, ProBoard Fire/EMS Instructor II

*Central MA EMS Corp.*

361 Holden Street

Holden, MA 01520

508-854-0111 Office

508-853-3672 Fax

508-854-0100 CMED

978-660-7548 Cell



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Russ Hall
Fire Chief/EMD
Holden Fire Dept.
1370 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520
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