[HFDlist] HFD Promotion

Russ Hall rhall at holdenma.gov
Thu Dec 9 14:49:28 UTC 2021


I am pleased to announce as of 12/12/21, FF Chris Montiverdi will be 
promoted to the rank of Lieutenant.Since 2018, the department has been 
working with the town and the school district to expand our Emergency 
Management footprint within the district to assist the schools in 
planning and response capabilities.As of last fiscal year, Chris took 
over the emergency planning function for the 13 district schools within 
the 5 town region.Since that time, the function of his position has also 
taken on planning and assisting with the school COVID response plan 
working with health staff, local boards of health and town public safety 
departments. As part of the agreement to take on the districts planning, 
the district provides funding for the position.

LT. Montiverdi will continue to work an administrative schedule in this 
position focusing on the new initiatives in Emergency  Management and 
will add some additional officer supervision during the day.Please join 
me in congratulating him on his new role.


Chief Hall

Russ Hall
Fire Chief/EMD
Holden Fire Dept.
1370 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520
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