[HFDlist] Fwd: Nominations for January 11-13, 2022 ATIRC training @ Leominster

Russ Hall rhall at holdenma.gov
Tue Dec 7 12:20:23 UTC 2021


Please see the attached flyer for an upcoming ATIRC training program in 
January.  This is a very beneficial program to strengthen our Active 
Threat response capabilities.  If interested, please let me know ASAP 
and if you have any questions in what the class is about, contact Deputy 
Smith.  As a fire district we only have 5 seats in this program, so this 
will be competitive with other district departments and seats will be 
awarded by Fire District 8.


Chief Hall

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Nominations for January 11-13, 2022 ATIRC training @ Leominster
Date: 	Fri, 3 Dec 2021 20:53:06 +0000
From: 	Andrew Loew <aloew at cmrpc.org>
To: 	Dean Kochanowski <dudleyfirechief at dudleyma.gov>, C. Thomas 
O'Donnell <ctodonnell at wbrookfield.com>, Russ Hall <rhall at holdenma.gov>, 
ppurcell at town.westborough.ma.us <ppurcell at town.westborough.ma.us>, 
FleischerG at worcesterma.gov <FleischerG at worcesterma.gov>
CC: 	Neal Aspesi <naspesi at southboroughma.com>, Trish Settles | CMRPC 
<tsettles at cmrpc.org>, Chris Dunphy <cdunphy at cmrpc.org>, Seth Peters | 
CMRPC <speters at cmrpc.org>

Good afternoon,

As you know, LSU/NCBRT will be conducting an ATIRC (PER-340) training 
course in Leominster in mid-January. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, the 
training is limited to 30 participants. At its November 2 meeting the 
CRHSAC Training Committee allocated 15 course participants to law 
enforcement and 15 to fire/EMS in the following breakdown (note that the 
breakdown below totals to 29, so there is actually 1 more seat available):

  * _# of Participants_ _Service/area_
  * 15                                 Law Enforcement (to be
    coordinated by Chief O’Donnell)
  * 5                                 Fire District 7 (Chief Kochanowski)
  * 5                                 Fire District 8 (Chief Hall)
  * 2                                 Fire District 14 (Chief Purcell)
  * 2                                 Worcester Fire Dept. (District
    Chief Fleischer)

Please reach out to your networks to solicit qualified potential course 
participants within your service or area. For the fire districts and 
Worcester FD, I have a note from Pete/Anthony suggesting that you 
nominate a list of 5-8 preferred candidates (for FDs 7 and 8) or 3-4 
candidates (for FD 14 and Worcester FD), but if you’re unable to list 
candidates before sending to CMRPC, interested firefighters/EMS can 
contact us directly. CMRPC will coordinate formal registration with LSU 
and the participants.

A flyer is attached outlining the course parameters. Please feel free to 
use it in reaching out to your contacts. We request that you send 
potential candidates to us at crhsac at cmrpc.org by _December 17_ if 
possible, or ask candidates to contact us directly if you aren’t 
screening them before sending to us. If there is trouble filling all 30 
seats or all district allocations, we will do broader outreach and/or 
work with you to move candidates between the districts/services.

If you have questions, contact me or Seth Peters, who is starting as the 
regional Council coordinator next week.



*Andrew Loew, AICP*

*Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission*

Project Manager

Phone: (508) 459-3339

Fax: (508) 792-6818

1 Mercantile Street, Suite 520

Worcester, MA 01608

www.cmrpc.org <http://www.cmrpc.org/>

Russ Hall
Fire Chief/EMD
Holden Fire Dept.
1370 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520
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