[HFDlist] Santa is coming to Town

Sean Smith ssmith at holdenma.gov
Sat Dec 4 00:12:20 UTC 2021

Good Evening,

Tomorrow is the tree lighting event held at the Towns’ center. This years event will look a little different than in the past. From the Fire Departments perspective, we will still be giving Santa a ride from the station to the center of town on the Fire Truck. We will be allowing children/ members family to accompany Santa for the ride, but ask that it is limited to immediate family only as space is limited. There will be no kids party after as we have in the past. Once Santa is dropped off, the trucks will be returning to HQs. 
If you will be attending, please be at Fire HQs no later than 430. Santa will be arriving around 430-445 to spend a short time with the kids before leaving for the tree lighting event.

We are looking to have a modified children’s party at Fire HQs on December 16 in the evening, stay tuned for more info.



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