[HFDlist] Ambulance Equipment Updates -- Please Review

Ethan Naiman enaiman at holdenma.gov
Wed Sep 9 00:39:03 UTC 2020

EMS Personnel, 

Today we made some updates to the equipment bags on all three of the  
ambulances. I will do my best to outline the changes here, but please  
make sure to review the equipment and bags for yourselves and contact  
me with any questions. 

- A blue stat pack (backpack style) o2 bag has been placed in each of  
the ambulances, replacing the large orange o2 bags we previously had.
-The orange 02 bags have replaced the first in bags in Car3 and Tower 1.
-We have replaced all of the Pulse Ox's in the first in bags with  
smaller "Masimo RX" Pulse ox's. These are very small devices, but are  
very accurate. They are made for healthcare settings and can even  
provide a pleth wave on the readout. I have attached some info about  
them here.
- All of the lifepaks now have a rainbow cable in the back pouch  
capable of performing SpCO monitoring thereby replacing the Rad57  
devices. The Rad57 have been moved to Car 3/Tower 1. I have attached  
info here about using the rainbow cable on the Lifepak 15s. 
-The videoscope has been moved to the first in bag. To do this, we are  
utilizing a smaller IV bag. The only thing that didnt fit in the new  
IV bag was the amp of D50. However, an amp of D50 remains in the first  
in bag in the smaller med pouch.

I think thats it for now. If you have any questions or  
recommendations, please let me know.

    Ethan Naiman
   EMS Coordinator
   Holden Fire Department
   1370 Main Street
   Holden, MA 01520
   Office: 508-210-5659
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