[HFDlist] Fwd: Follow-up for PPE at UMass

Russ Hall rhall at holdenma.gov
Thu Nov 12 17:27:19 UTC 2020


This morning I attended a meeting with area Fire Chiefs from D8, D7 and 
D14 regarding the N95 mask mandate by UMass Memorial.  The hospital has 
updated their previous guidance on the N95 usage as they have realized 
that this type of mandate may be a burden on EMS agencies with little to 
no inventory of N95 masks.  Continue to follow department policies and 
protocols and use your judgement as a practitioner as to the level of 
PPE you require to keep yourself safe on any given call.  Everyone has 
done a great job since March so keep doing what you have been doing.  
Below is the updated guidance by UMass-Memorial.  Any questions please 
feel free to contact me.


Chief Hall

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Follow-up for PPE at UMass
Date: 	Thu, 12 Nov 2020 12:10:54 -0500
From: 	tdixson at cmemsc.org
CC: 	Nicholas J. DaDalt <ndadalt at cmemsc.org>

This is a *follow up/clarification* for the advisory sent out on 
11/10/20 regarding N95 mask use at UMass. In an effort to address the 
surge of patients in the Emergency Department and decrease wait times, 
UMass has reopened patient hallway beds. Out of an abundance of 
precaution for the safety of EMS providers they have *recommended* the 
use of N95 respirators and eye protection by EMS personnel when entering 
the Emergency Department.

EMS providers should continue to select the highest appropriate level of 
PPE based on availability, patient presentation, service policies and 
state protocols. All patients should continue to wear a face mask, as 

Refer also to the attached advisory sent by OEMS regarding *Safety 
Precautions for All Patients*

*Tina Dixson*

Executive Director

AHA Training Center Coordinator

NRAEMT, ProBoard Fire/EMS Instructor II

*Central MA EMS Corp.*

361 Holden Street

Holden, MA 01520

508-854-0111 Office

508-853-3672 Fax

508-854-0100 CMED

978-660-7548 Cell

www.cmemsc.org <www.cmemsc.org>


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Russ Hall
Fire Chief/EMD
Holden Fire Dept.
1370 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520

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