[HFDlist] Personnel Updates

Russ Hall rhall at holdenma.gov
Wed Jul 8 12:22:13 UTC 2020


Just a quick update on some personnel changes within the department over 
the last month:

Our newest career firefighter Chris Leonard has started with HFD, 
filling the position that has been open since January due to the 
pandemic and closure of the PAT site.    He comes to the department with 
EMS experience at Vital EMS and he is currently in the final stage of 
his Paramedic program at ProEMS.  He will be assigned to one of the day 
impact positions starting next week and will be attending the fire 
academy hopefully in the fall.

LT. Dennis Carlson has resigned from the department as of the end of 
June.  During his time in Holden, Dennis has been a valued member of the 
department and he will be missed.  He will be focusing more on his 
career with the Charlton Fire Department and his role as the Captain of 
Fire Prevention.  Also at the end of June, FF Amanda Beahn will no 
longer be a member of the department.  We wish her well in her career at 
Massport Fire and thank her for her service.

With the resignation of LT Carlson, Brendon Connor will be filling the 
position of Acting LT out of Station 2.  The role of Acting LT is 
afforded all the supervisory and leadership duties of the LT position.  
Thank you to Brendon for stepping up and taking on this much needed role.


Chief Hall

Russ Hall
Fire Chief/EMD
Holden Fire Dept.
1370 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520

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