[HFDlist] FW: Clinical Parking Lot Improvements: PHASE 4 AMBULANCE ROUTE
Russ Hall
rhall at holdenma.gov
Mon Sep 30 19:00:04 UTC 2019
FYI regarding access to the UMass-Memorial Lakeside ED. New traffic pattern will start tomorrow 10/1 with the closure of 4th road, the entrance into the ambulance bay. Until further notice, access will be through the library parking lot per the attached map.
Russ Hall
Fire Chief/EMD
Holden Fire Dept.
1370 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520
From: tdixson at cmemsc.org
Sent: Monday, September 30, 2019 2:55 PM
To: tguillotte4 at gmail.com; brendan.mcniff at amr.net; tflanagan at annamaria.edu; rplant at ashburnham-ma.gov; fchief at ashbyma.gov; cameron.milewski at ashbyfire-ems.org; afdcoordinator at gmail.com; chiefafd at townofathol.org; afddeputy at verizon.net; gjohnson at town.auburn.ma.us; scoleman at town.auburn.ma.us; jjanuskiewicz at ayer.ma.us; cdillon at ayer.ma.us; barreparamedics at outlook.com; gwaite at bellinghamma.org; mpoirier at bellinghamma.org; firechief at townofberlin.com; kcolomey21 at gmail.com; msweeney at townofblackstone.org; mdiaz at bolton-ma.gov; jbradford at boylston-ma.gov; jflanagan at boylston-ma.gov; jbradford at boylston-ma.gov; firechief at brimfieldma.org; chief_martell at brookfieldfd.com; dmlafleur at verizon.net; edward.knopf at townofcharlton.net; danielle.robertson at townofcharlton.net; mlutes at clintonfire.net; kschaeffer at clintonfire.net; emcnamara at cmemsc.org; Ira.Nemeth at umassmemorial.org; gmonks at community-ems.com; mchilds at critical-knowledge.org; jleblanc at massdevelopment.com; Tkelly at massdevelopment.com; kvinson at douglasma.org; aworster at douglasma.org; jcoyne at douglasma.org; dudleyfirechief at dudleyma.gov; dudleyems at charter.net; brich at dunstable-ma.gov; dfd_training at hotmail.com; pevangelista at eascare.com; ebfdjmccrillis at eastbrookfieldma.us; kroy at fitchburgma.gov; pikeyj at outlook.com; michaelk661 at gmail.com; cmcourtemanche at gmail.com; dsmith at franklinma.gov; lroy at franklinma.gov; rares at gardner-ma.gov; ehulette at gardner-ma.gov; michaelgauthier at msn.com; sdaly at townofgroton.org; smccurdy at townofgroton.org; awmarino at gmail.com; jcotting at harvardems.org; stevenjbeckman at gmail.com; rsicard at harvard.ma.us; eottersonpac at gmail.com; drdarnobid at gmail.com; ssmith at holdenma.gov; enaiman at holdenma.gov; rhall at holdenma.gov; firechief at hollandma.org; firechief at hopedale-ma.gov; bkelley at hopedale-ma.gov; hubbardstonfire at gmail.com; firechief at hubbardstonma.us; Kamb2 at verizon.net; cmanning at lancasterfd.net; emoody at lancasterfd.net; mhanson at lancasterfd.net; rdjpw at aol.com; srowland at leominster-ma.gov; ryoung176 at gmail.com; psullivan at lunenburgonline.com; kweller at lunenburgonline.com; jricci at lunenburgonline.com; robert.bourque at medstarma.com; manznino at townofmedway.org; mpoirier at mendonpublicsafety.com; mbucchino at mendonpublicsafety.com; wkessler at mendonma.gov; wcollins at milfordfire.org; dauger at milreg.org; gsteinberg at townisp.com; jcourtn at gmail.com; firechief at townofmillbury.net
Subject: Clinical Parking Lot Improvements: PHASE 4 AMBULANCE ROUTE
Good Afternoon,
Important message from UMass University; please forward to your EMS crews.
Attached, please find the Logistics plan for phase 4 of the Clinical Lot project beginning Tuesday, October 1st.
As you will see, Fourth Road will be closed for repair, requiring ambulances to access the ER ambulance entrance using the Library Lot entrance. The Library Lot entrance gates will remain open to allow the ambulances access. The ambulance route will be blocked off and clearly marked “for ambulance traffic only.” The lot will be policed by Parking enforcement officers during the day and Police details overnight to insure the ambulance route remains open and unauthorized vehicles do not park in the Clinical Lot. The Clinical Lot will remain closed for all parking so the contractor can complete work at the sidewalk as part of the project.
Ambulance bays currently included in the construction area will be given back for use during phase 4.
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions regarding this phase change or further explanation of the proposed ambulance route. I am happy to meet you in person to explain the Logistics plan.
Tina Dixson
Assistant Director
AHA Training Center Coordinator
NRAEMT, ProBoard Fire/EMS Instructor II
Central MA EMS Corp.
361 Holden Street
Holden, MA 01520
508-854-0111 Office
508-853-3672 Fax
508-854-0100 CMED
978-660-7548 Cell
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