[HFDlist] Fwd: NCCP

rhall at holdenma.gov rhall at holdenma.gov
Wed Dec 11 16:40:00 UTC 2019


Please see the attached flyer for an upcoming EMT refresher being held  
in Leominster.  

----- Forwarded message from Chief David Hurlbut  
<dhurlbut at sterling-ma.gov> -----
   Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2019 13:09:22 +0000
   From: Chief David Hurlbut <dhurlbut at sterling-ma.gov>
Subject: FW: NCCP
     To: Chief Dana Robinson <petershamfire at verizon.net>, Chief Dennis  
Letendre <newbraintreefirechief at gmail.com>, Chief Jay Conte  
<chiefconte at hotmail.com>, jlegendre at bolton-ma.gov, Chief Joseph  
Flanagan <jflanagan at boylston-ma.gov>, Chief Keith Newton  
<dpw at royalston-ma.gov>, John Bennett <jdbennett4 at yahoo.com>, Chief  
Kevin Roy <KRoy at fitchburgma.gov>, Chief Patrick Sullivan  
<psullivan at lunenburgonline.com>, Chief Raymond Walker  
<hardwickfd at comcast.net>, Chief Richard Ares <rares at gardner-ma.gov>,  
Chief Richard Sicard <rsicard at harvard.ma.us>, fire at phillipston-ma.gov,  
Chief Robert Hayes <hubbardstonfire at gmail.com>, Chief Thomas Smith  
<wfdchief39c at aol.com>, Chief Thomas Welsh  
<twelsh at westboylstonfire.org>, ChiefRobert Sideleau  
<rsideleau at leominster-ma.gov>, Mark Boynton  
<mboynton at townsendfire-ems.org>, Chief Michael Bussell  
<Fchief at ashbyma.gov>, Chief Pedrazzi <firechief at ayer.ma.us>, Chief  
Rogowski <rrogowski at townofbarre.com>, Seth Knipe  
<sknipe at rutlandfd.us>, "Chief Z. (FD8)" <massfiredistrict8 at gmail.com>,  
jcleveland at ashburnham-ma.gov, Russ Hall <rhall at holdenma.gov>,  
mlutes at clintonfire.net, "Kelly, Tim" <TKelly at massdevelopment.com>,  
Kyle Butterfield <kbutterfield at westminster-ma.gov>,  
mhanson at lancasterfd.net, ddickie at templetonma.gov, sfd35chief at yahoo.com






   See attached posting for a EMT NCCP Refresher being held in Leominster.










     FROM: Al Deshler <sfd35training at gmail.com>
SENT: Wednesday, December 11, 2019 5:29 AM
TO: Nick Dadalt <ndadalt at cmemsc.org>; Chief David Hurlbut  
<dhurlbut at sterling-ma.gov>





    Good Morning Nick and David,


     Can you post this flier for me on CMED and District 6/8. I'll be  
running this NCCP class. 





     Thank you,




               /Al Deshler// EMTP-I/C/




                Shirley Fire Department


                8 Leominster RD


                Shirley, MA 01464


                (W) 978-425-4334 X 415


                (C) 978-424-3318


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