[HFDlist] Fire Safety visits Thursday 10/18

cborowy at holdenma.gov cborowy at holdenma.gov
Mon Oct 15 17:22:30 EDT 2018

Hello Everyone,

I first want to take the opportunity to thank everyone who helped make  
this year's Open House another success. Attendance was down from last  
year but unfortunately we cannot predict the weather, and I think that  
had a huge contributing factor to the lower attendance. I would also  
like to thank those who brought their families in to show support. We  
are half way through Fire Safety Month and I am looking for some help  
in the upcoming weeks with Fire Safety visits. The first date is this  
Thursday 10/18. Group 1 will be visiting Davis Hill Elementary for  
their safety talks between 9:15 - 11:45. If you would like to help  
please let me know. Also, on the same day we have a fire safety visit  
at Immanuel Lutheran Preschool at 10am. I am looking for someone to  
bring a firetruck to the preschool and do a safety talk with the kids.  
If you can help at either of these events, please let me know. I have  
also attached the updated schedule for SAFE. Thanks for your time.

Chuck Borowy
Holden Fire Department
1370 Main Street
Holden MA 01520
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