[HFDlist] EMS Supplies/EMS Training

enaiman at holdenma.gov enaiman at holdenma.gov
Thu Dec 13 22:01:47 UTC 2018


I have asked Corey Plasse, and he has been gracious enough to accept,  
to assist in ordering/stocking of EMS supplies. Moving forward, supply  
requests should be requested through the supply request form or by  
contacting Corey or I. It is beneficial if we receive those requests  
when stock is low rather than completely depleted. The only exception  
is narcotic restocking, which I will continue to handle myself.

EMS Rounds is scheduled for next Thursday 12/20/2018 at 10am. This  
will be the last EMS class for the 2018 calendar year. As 2019 quickly  
approaches, I'm looking for some individuals of any EMT-level or  
experience to help develop some training classes/ideas for 2019. If  
you have class ideas (including suggestions for outside speakers) or  
would like to assist in teaching/developing some classes, please reach  
out to me as soon as possible.


  Ethan Naiman
EMS Coordinator
Holden Fire Department
1370 Main Street
Holden, Ma 01520
Office: 508-210-5659
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