[HFDlist] ESO Software

enaiman at holdenma.gov enaiman at holdenma.gov
Thu Aug 23 15:39:24 EDT 2018


For those who are not aware, as of this morning (8/23), we went live  
with the ESO EHR/EMS charting software. All ambulance reports should  
be completed on ESO only, effective immediately. As with any  
transition, we anticipate some bumps in the road, and I welcome any  
questions or suggestions that you have along the way. Please don't  
hesitate to contact me if you run into problems.

  A few house-keeping items:

Please remember that a run report is required every time the ambulance  
is dispatched (with the exception for fire related calls). This  
includes cancellations, lift assists, mutual aid, intercepts, etc.

Please continue to obtain face sheets/insurance information whenever  
possible and scan it in. Face sheets should be scanned text side up  
when using the auto-feeder on the fax machine.

  Ethan Naiman
EMS Coordinator
Holden Fire Department
1370 Main Street
Holden, Ma 01520
Office: 508-210-5659
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