[HFDlist] Rest of Shrewsbury Street Hydrants

Ryan Mouradian rmouradian at holdenma.gov
Fri Aug 3 12:06:30 EDT 2018


As of this morning, the remaining hydrants on Shrewsbury Street (between 
the Holden & Chapel Intersection and Main street) have been activated.   
The temporary hydrants have been bagged and the new hydrants were 
unbagged. Keep in mind there are hydrants in some new locations, but I 
don't believe any of the existing locations changed, we just added a 
couple more.

This means all Shrewsbury Street hydrants are now live.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Ryan S. Mouradian, P.E.
Water and Sewer Superintendent
Holden Department of Public Works
1196 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520
Phone: (508) 210-5550
Fax:   (508) 829-0252
rmouradian at holdenma.gov

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