[HFDlist] SAFE schedule and availability

cborowy at holdenma.gov cborowy at holdenma.gov
Sat Sep 30 12:58:18 EDT 2017

Hello Everyone,

I have updated the schedule for the next few weeks of SAFE visits.  
Next week will be a lot of preschool and daycare visits with the fire  
trucks. Attached is the updated schedule, I have placed those who  
responded to my first email into the schedule below the day requested.  
There are plenty of dates still available for those interested in  
helping out. We are also looking for 2 FFs per visit. Please let me  
know if you are available for any of the upcoming dates, and thank you  
to all those who have already responded. Also a reminder that the Fire  
Department Open House is October 21st. Please let Leah or myself know  
if you are available. We would like to see a good showing of the  
department. Any questions feel free to call my cell.

Chuck Borowy
SAFE Coordinator
Holden Fire Dept.
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