[HFDlist] Lt. Mike Rosen wake/funeral

Leah Francese-Wood lfwood at holdenma.gov
Fri Sep 1 14:19:27 EDT 2017

To all:

The details for Mike Rosen service are as follows:

The wake is to be held on Tuesday, September 5th from 5-8 and Funeral on 
Wednesday, September 6th.

Wake: All Department members are asked meet at Fire Headquarters no 
later than 4:15 on Tuesday. From there we will proceed  to Miles funeral 
home for a 4:30 walk through before the general public. Once the walk 
through occurs, for those interested, 2 members will be positioned on 
either side of the casket. Two other members will be asked to stand on 
either side of the staircase leading into the funeral home. If enough 
people are interested, and as in past wakes, we will rotate members 
through at 30 minute intervals. That may be reduced to 15 minute 
intervals if interest is high.

For the day of the funeral, members are asked to meet at HQs for 10am. 
We are looking for 5 interested members to be a part of an honor guard. 
(2 members to hold axes, American flag, mass call/vol flag, and 
explorers flag) Those members ONLY will proceed to Miles funeral home to 
stand at attention outside, near the hearse as the casket is loaded into 
it. For members not part of the honor guard, they will go directly to 
St. Georges Church, 40 Brattle St., Worcester. Members are asked to line 
up to await the procession. The procession is scheduled to arrive at the 
church around 10:50/11:00.

We are looking for members to email a response as soon as possible for 
interest in the following:
- Casket and stairs detail for the wake.
- 5 Honor guard members.

Please be sure to specify your interest of being a part of the honor 
guard, wake detail, funeral detail at church or all parts of it. Deputy 
Chief Bergstrom will be making a spreadsheet of those interesting in 
doing the wake detail. Please email him at pbergstrom at allegromicro.com.

Any questions or concerns, please contact Lieutenant David Chapin @ 
774-696-3640 or dchapin at holdenma.gov.

Thank you.

David Chapin
Holden Fire Department
1370 Main St.
Holden, MA 01520

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