[HFDlist] Fwd: FW: Volunteers

Jack Chandler jchandler at holdenma.gov
Mon Sep 12 09:28:17 EDT 2016

EMT Re-certification points available for volunteers of this MCI in 


Jack Chandler, Chief
Holden Fire Department
1370 Main Street
Holden, Massachusetts 01520
Ph: 508-210-5650
Fax: 508-210-5667
JChandler at holdenma.gov

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-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	FW: Volunteers
Date: 	Mon, 12 Sep 2016 08:51:09 -0400
From: 	Deb Foss <dfoss at cmemsc.org>
To: 	Andrew Bagdonas (Bolton First Responder) <abagdonas at bolton-ma.gov>, 
'Adam Lavoie' <chief at warrenfiredepartment.com>, 'Alex LeBlanc' 
<aleblanc at bolton-ma.gov>, AMR (Brenda McNiff) <brendan.mcniff at amr.net>, 
'Anthony Marrama' <amarrama3380 at gmail.com>, Ashburnham Town Rep. (Paul 
Rekos) <2w4paulr at gmail.com>, Ashby EMS (Paul Rekos) <paul at rekos.com>, 
Ashby First Resp. (Scott Florio) <fchief at ci.ashby.ma.us>, Athol FireAmb 
(Kevin Kaczmarczyk) <afdcoodinator at gmail.com>, Auburn Fire/EMS (Glenn 
Johnson) <gjohnson at town.auburn.ma.us>, Auburn First Resp. (Adam LaFlash) 
<alaflash at town.auburn.ma.us>, Auburn Town (Stephen Coleman Jr.) 
<scoleman at town.auburn.ma.us>, Ayer Fire/EMS (Jeremy Januskiewicz) 
<jjanuskiewicz at ayer.ma.us>, Barbara Hilton (Harvard) 
<cohilton at charter.net>, Berlin Fire/EMS (Roger McManus) 
<rmcmanusjr at mcmanus1.com>, Berlin First Resp.(Kevin Colomey) 
<kcolomey21 at gmail.com>, Bert DuVernay (New Braintree EFR) 
<bert at duvernay.us>, 'Bill Kessler' <wkessler at uxbridge-ma.gov>, Bill 
McElhiney <William.McElhiney at pol.state.ma.us>, 'Bob Plant' 
<rplant at ashburnham-ma.gov>, Boylston First Resp. (Matthew Ronn) 
<mattronn at gmail.com>, 'Brian Kemp' <bkemp.ems at upton.ma.us>, Brimfield 
Town (Stephen Denning) <brimfield at yahoo.com>, Brookfield Fire/EMS (Peter 
Martell) <chief_martell at brookfieldfd.com>, Brookfield Town (Roger 
LaFleur) <dmlafleur at verizon.net>, Christine Coulthard Schlosstein (W. 
Brookfield) <mcoulthardschlosstein at partners.org>, Chuck Dillon (Ayer 
First Resp.) <cdillon at ayer.ma.us>, Clinton Town (Richard Hart) 
<rhart at clintonfire.net>, Colby Fiske (West Boylston Fire/EMS) 
<cfiske at westboylstonfire.org>, Danielle Robertson (Charlton Fire/EMS) 
<danielle.robertson at townofcharlton.net>, 'Dave Piantedosi' 
<eventsems at aol.com>, David Parenti (Fire Chief, Northborough) 
<Fire at town.northborough.ma.us>, David Smith (Franklin Fire) 
<ffdems at hotmail.com>, david.hurlbut at sterlingfd.net, 'Dean Kochanowski' 
<dudleyfirechief at dudleyma.gov>, 'Dennis Levesque' 
<sfd35chief at yahoo.com>, Derick Aumann (Patriot Ambulance) 
<derick.aumann at patriotambulance.com>, Devens First Resp. (Andrew 
Dufresne) <adufresne at massdevelopment.com>, Devens Town (Joseph LeBlanc) 
<jleblanc at massdevelopment.com>, Diane Panaccion (Brimfield First Resp.) 
<brimfieldbos at aol.com>, Donna Auger <dauger at milreg.org>, 'Doug Cutler' 
<dwculter at yahoo.com>, Douglas Fire/EMS (Kent Vinson) 
<kvinson1 at douglasma.org>, Dunstable Fire/EMS (Brian Rich) 
<brich at dunstable-ma.gov>, Dunstable First Resp. (Greg Rich) 
<dfd_training at hotmail.com>, EasCare (Paul Evangelista) 
<pevangelista at eascare.com>, East Brookfield Fire/EMS (Paul Normandin) 
<ebfdcar3 at yahoo.com>, fire at town.pepperell.ma.us, Fitchburg City (Justin 
Pike) <pikeyj at charter.net>, Fitchburg Fire/EMS (Chad Courtemanche) 
<cmcourtemanche at gmail.com>, Fitchburg First Resp. (Michael Smith) 
<michaelk661 at gmail.com>, flm511 at comcast.net, Gardner City (Richard Ares) 
<rares at gardner-ma.gov>, Gardner First Resp.(Eric Hulette) 
<ehulette at gardner-ma.gov>, Garret Wante (Bellingham Fire/EMS) 
<gwante at bellinghamma.org>, 'Gary McCarraher' 
<gmccarraher at franklin.ma.us>, 'Gary Milliard' <garymilliard at gmail.com>, 
'Gary Nestor' <gnestor at northbridgemass.org>, Gary Winitzer (Royalston 
First Resp.) <glw110 at gmail.com>, Hardwick Town (Eric Vollheim) 
<stonedance at comcast.net>, Hopedale Fire/EMS (Brian Kelley) 
<bkelley at hopedale-ma.gov>, Jack Chandler (Holden) 
<jchandler at holdenma.gov>, James Ricci (Lunenburg First Resp.) 
<jricci at lunenburgonline.com>, James Vuona <jvuona at shrewsburyma.gov>, 
James Wood <jwood at woodsamb.com>, Jason Bradford (Boylston Fire/EMS) 
<jbradford at boylston-ma.gov>, Joe Clem (Oxford First Resp.) 
<josephdclem021 at aol.com>, 'Joe Flanagan' <jflanagan at boylston-ma.gov>, 
John Bresnahan <jwbafd at yahoo.com>, John Duguay (Athol First. Resp.) 
<afddeputy at verizon.net>, John McLaughlin (Clinton First Resp.) 
<jmclaughlin at clintonfire.net>, 'Josh McCrillis' <jm13a9 at msn.com>, 'Karen 
Weller' <kweller at lunenburgonline.com>, 'Ken Ward' <kward at vitalems.com>, 
Kevin Roy <kroy at fitchburgma.gov>, Kevin Tourtelotte (Warren First Resp.) 
<k.tourtellotte at yahoo.com>, 'Kirk Brigham' <kbrigham at trinityems.com>, 
K's Personal Transport (Maria Lajoie) <kamb2 at verizon.net>, Kurtis Triehy 
(Pepperell Fire/EMS) <ktriehy at town.pepperell.ma.us>, Lancaster Town 
(Courtney Manning) <cmanning at lancasterfd.net>, Leicester Fire/EMS (Chris 
Montiverdi) <montiverdic at ci.worcester.ma.us>, 'Lester Lacki II' 
<afdcoordinator at gmail.com>, Pepperell First Resp. (Joshua Robichaud) 
<jrobichaud at town.pepperell.ma.us>

Hello all,

Looking for volunteers…………………

*From:*Broach, John [mailto:John.Broach at umassmemorial.org]
*Sent:* Sunday, September 11, 2016 3:14 PM
*To:* Ed McNamara <emcnamara at cmemsc.org <mailto:emcnamara at cmemsc.org>>
*Cc:* Verdini, Judith <Judith.Verdini at umassmed.edu 
<mailto:Judith.Verdini at umassmed.edu>>
*Subject:* RE: Volunteers

Hi Ed,

Attached is a write up of the event and some details for the 
volunteers.  We will have up to 8 hours of CEUs for medics and EMTs, 
free parking, breakfast, and lunch.

Take care,

John Broach, MD, MPH, MBA, FACEP

Assistant Professor, Emergency Medicine
Director, Division of Disaster Medicine & Emergency Management
Department of Emergency Medicine
University of Massachusetts Medical School
UMass Memorial Medical Center

Director, The Center of Excellence for Emergency Preparedness Education 
and Training (www.ceepet.org <http://www.ceepet.org/>)
Phone: 847-372-5175

om any computer.

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