[HFDlist] Brush Vehicles/ Equipment

ssmith at holdenma.gov ssmith at holdenma.gov
Wed Mar 9 14:58:46 EST 2016

Good Afternoon,

Forestry 2 (5 ton) is back in service for the season, and the battery  
issues hopefully have been resolved.

Reminder: For Headquarters personnel, the running order for brush fire  
calls is:
F1, F2, and then Eng 4. For Chaffins, Eng 2 then Eng 3; Unless an  
Officer request a specific piece of apparatus. In Rutland- Forestry 2  
is on the 1st Alarm/ working brush fire assignment and Eng 4 (tanker)  
and an Engine are on the 2nd Alarm brush fire assignment.

When you are working or have spare time, please re-familiarize  
yourself with the operation of the brush trucks and the equipment- as  
well as check your brush gear. If you have any issues with your brush  
gear- please contact Chuck Borowy.


Sean Smith
Holden Fire Department
1370 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520
(508)210-5650/ Fax (508)210-5657

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