[HFDlist] Last night's fire on Highland Street

John Barber pastorjohn at fccholden.org
Tue Mar 8 11:12:03 EST 2016

Hi Peter (cc: Chief)

I have reached out to the Nugent family to offer whatever support I/we can.
They happen to be members of my church, but I also did tell them I wore the
HFD Fire Chaplain hat.  Ira and I were just talking last week about how to
better support displaced families, happy to be a part of that anytime I can




From: Bergstrom, Peter (Pete) [mailto:PBergstrom at ALLEGROMICRO.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 8, 2016 9:06 AM
To: FD Mass Email <firedept at lists.holdenma.gov>
Subject: [HFDlist] Last night's fire on Highland Street


Great job by all who responded to the structure fire last night on Highland
Street. It is always difficult to have to go down in to a basement fire and
Engine 1 made an excellent stop on a fire that had a good start right at the
basement stairway. The work by all involved made the job go smooth. Thanks
for everyone's efforts, well done!


Pete Bergstrom

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