[HFDlist] Fwd: Awards

Jack Chandler jchandler at holdenma.gov
Fri Mar 8 11:26:04 EST 2013

*Any nominations?*

Jack Chandler, Chief
Holden Fire Department
1370 Main Street
Holden, Massachusetts 01520
Ph: 508-210-5650
Fax: 508-210-5667
JChandler at holdenma.gov

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-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Awards
Date: 	Fri, 8 Mar 2013 11:17:39 -0500
From: 	Liza Noyes <lnoyes at cmemsc.org>
Organization: 	CMEMSC
To: 	Barbara Hilton <cohilton at charter.net>, Harrington (James Sullivan) 
<jsulliv1 at harringtonhospital.org>, Harrington (Kathleen Finn) 
<docfinndo at hotmail.com>, Harvard 1st Resp (Rick Sicard) 
<rsicard at harvard.ma.us>, Harvard Amb (Steven Beckman) 
<stevenjbeckman at gmail.com>, HealthAlliance (Donald Jackel) 
<djackel at healthalliance.com>, HealthAlliance (Joe Palomba) 
<jcpmd at townisp.com>, HealthAlliance (Jonathan Jones) 
<jjones at healthalliance.com>, HealthAlliance Rep (Bonnie Ryan) 
<bryan at healthalliance.com>, HealthAlliance Rep (Dave Duncan) 
<dduncan at healthalliance.com>, HelathAlliance (Jon Hojnoski) 
<hojfinn at aol.com>, Heywood (Ellen Ray) <bem1962 at mindspring.com>, Heywood 
(Steven Yerid) <syerid at verizon.net>, Holden (Jack Chandler) 
<jchandler at townofholden.net>, Holden Fire Amb (Russ Hall) 
<rah02 at verizon.net>, Holden FireAmb (Russ Hall) <rhall at holdenma.gov>, 
Hopedale FireAmb (Tom Daige) <tdaige at gmail.com>, Hubbardston (Matt 
Castriotta) <bos at hubbardstonma.us>, Lancaster Amb <flm511 at comcast.net>, 
Lancaster Amb <ewm510 at comcast.net>, Leicester EMS 
<montiverdic at ci.worcester.ma.us>, Leominster Fire (Steve Rowland) 
<rowls33 at msn.com>, LGH (Jonathan Drake) <jdrake at lowellgeneral.org>, LOC 
EMT Training (Donna Fields) <fieldsd at leicesterma.org>, Lunenburg 1st 
Resp (James Ricci) <jricci at lunenburgonline.com>, Lunenburg Fire (Paul 
Sullian) <psullivan at lunenburgonline.com>, Lunenburg FireAmb 
<kweller at lunenburgonline.com>, Marlboro0Hudson Amb (Don Charest) 
<dcharest at mhambulance.com>, Marlborough Hospital (Joe Tennyson) 
<joseph.tennyson at umassmemorial.org>, Marlborough Hospital (Tara Brigham) 
<tbthistle at yahoo.com>, Mass Stae Police (Bill McElhiney) 
<bpmce at aol.com>, MECTA (Linda Gosselin) <lgosselin at mecta.com>, Medstar 
(Mark Olson) <molson at medstarma.com>, Medway FireAmb (Matt Anzivino) 
<manzivino at townofmedway.org>, Mendon FireAmb 
<mbucchino at mendonpublicsafety.com>, Milford 1st Resp (Donna Auger) 
<dauger at milreg.org>, Millville Fire (Steve Furno) 
<sfurno at millvillema.org>, Montachusett (Laurie Guy) 
<guy_lauri at montytech.net>, MRMC (Greg Steinberg) 
<gsteinberg at townisp.com>, MRMC (James Courtney) <jcourtn at gmail.com>, 
MRMC (Joseph Currier) <jjchr89 at aol.com>, MRMC (Joshua Jarbeau) 
<jockjarb at yahoo.com>, MRMC (Robert Srebnik) <ermedico at aol.com>, New 
Braintree Police EFR (Bert DuVernay) <chief at newbraintree.org>, North 
Brookfield EMS (Patrick Kiritsy) <northbrookfieldals at gmail.com>, 
Northborough Fire (Mike Gaudette) <mgaudette at town.northborough.ma.us>, 
Northborough FireAmb (Dave Durgin) <ddurgin at town.northborough.ma.us>, 
Northbridge Fire (Roger Lachapelle) <rlachapelle at northbridgemass.org>, 
Northbridge FireAmb <gnestor at northbridgemass.org>, NVMC (George Stedman) 
<ghsted at verizon.net>, Orange Fire (Joseph Powling) 
<jpowlingwpd at yahoo.com>, Orange FireAmb <fire at townoforange.org>, Oxford 
Fire (Roger Lambert) <rlambert at town.oxford.ma.us>, Oxford FireAmb 
<sbemis at town.oxford.ma.us>, Patriot Amb 
<paul.evangelista at patriotambulance.com>, Pepperell (Toby Tyler) 
<fire at town.pepperell.ma.us>, Pepperell FireAmb 
<jrobichaud at town.pepperell.ma.us>, PepperellFireAmb (Kurtis Triehy) 
<ktriehy at town.pepperell.ma.us>, Phillipston FireAmb (Chief Stevens) 
<wendy-rich at comcast.net>, Princeton (Tim Kelly) <sk32061 at msn.com>, 
Princeton Fire <firechief at town.princeton.ma.us>, QCC (Cheryl Finn) 
<cfinn at qcc.mass.edu>, Quality EMS Educators <dbenoit49 at gmail.com>, 
Quality EMS Educators <cdpro119 at gmail.com>

Do you know someone that deserves to be awarded for their actions in the 
field? Go to our website and download the application form and submit it 
along with a write up of why your nominee deserves to be awarded and 
they could win $100.00 at this year's annual meeting! Nominations are 
due by April 5th!

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