[HFDlist] Training June 5th

Jack Chandler jchandler at holdenma.gov
Mon May 7 12:13:37 EDT 2012

We are going to have a different and special training session on June 
5th and I want to give everyone a preview of it.

Working with the DCR and Moran Environmental Recovery we are going to 
review the equipment and supplies the DCR has for handing spills on 
water, talk briefly about strategies of spills and equipment, and then 
we will go down to Mill Street and do some hands on deployment of spill 
control booms.

While the DCR has the equipment they do not readily have a lot of labor 
so it is worthwhile and important for us know how to deploy it.

So that we get as much day light as possible I would like to start 
training at HQ at 6:30 and we will go over the equipment. At 7 we will 
do a short classroom session and then we will head out for the practical 

Brush gear would be good to wear and bring flashlights as it will 
probably be dark when we finish!



Jack Chandler, Chief
Holden Fire Department
1370 Main Street
Holden, Massachusetts 01520
Ph: 508-210-5650
Fx: 508-210-5667
JChandler at Holdenma.gov

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