[HFDlist] Fwd: Fire Tower Website

Chief Chandler jchandler at holdenma.gov
Tue Mar 27 17:44:50 EDT 2012

Very interesting !

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Correia, Patricia (DCR)" <patricia.correia at state.ma.us>
> Date: March 27, 2012 5:33:52 PM EDT
> To: Bolton FD <jmentzer at bolton-ma.gov>, DPH-OEMS-TLozier <fireinspct at townofathol.org>, "rares at gardner-ma.gov" <rares at gardner-ma.gov>, Princeton Fire <skidunits4you at aol.com>, Berlin FD <firechief at townofberlin.com>, Bolton Fire <dfarrell at bolton-ma.gov>, Royalston Fire <dpw at royalston-ma.gov>, Ashburnham FD <2c at ashburnhamfd.com>, Athol FD <firechief at townofathol.org>, Barre FD <barrfire at gis.net>, DPH-OEMS-JFlanagan <jflanagan at boylston-ma.gov>, DPH-OEMS-RHart <rhart at clintonfire.net>, Mid-State Fire <midstatefire at comcast.net>, Templeton FD <firechief at templeton1.org>, Fitchburg FD <kroy at fitchburgfire.org>, Gardner FD <rtherrien at gardner-ma.gov>, Harvard FD <rsicard at harvard.ma.us>, Hardwick FD <hardwickfd at comcast.net>, Holden FD <JChandler at holdenma.gov>, DPH-OEMS-RHayes <firechief at hubbardstonma.us>, "Lamb, Kevin" <kdlamb at lancasterma.net>, Leominster FD <rsideleau at leominster-ma.gov>, Lunenburg FD <sfglenny at lunenburgonline.com>, New Braintree FD <FireChief at newbraintree.org>, DPH-OEMS-TMcCaffrey <thomas.mccaffrey at oakham-ma.gov>, Paxton FD <chiefconte at hotmail.com>, Petersham FD <petershamfire at verizon.net>, DPH-OEMS-RStevens <fire at phillipston-ma.gov>, Princeton FD <firechief at town.princeton.ma.us>, Royalston FD <chiefrfd at royalston-ma.gov>, DPH-OEMS-TRuchala <firechief at townofrutland.org>, DPH-OEMS-DHurlbut <david.hurlbut at sterlingfd.net>, West Boylston FD <rpauley at westboylstonfire.org>, Westminster FD <firechief at westminster-ma.gov>, DPH-OEMS-ALafrennie <WFD39C1 at aol.com>, Ashburnham Battallion Chief <bobs at ashburnhamfd.com>, Boylston Fire DC <mattronn at gmail.com>, Westminster Fire <knivala at westminster-ma.gov>, "jleblanc at massdevelopment.com" <jleblanc at massdevelopment.com>, "jpsfd35 at aol.com" <jpsfd35 at aol.com>, "mhanson at lancasterma.net" <mhanson at lancasterma.net>, "sadams at massdevelopment.com" <sadams at massdevelopment.com>
> Subject: Fire Tower Website
> All,
> Thought you might find this useful...http://massfiretowers.no-ip.org/.  This website has all the fire towers statewide...you pick the tower from the drop down menu & then put in the line the tower gives out & the same for other towers, pick "map line" & a google map pops up with the lines & where they cross.  Thought it might be helpful so you can see what we are looking at on the map.  Thanks.
> Patty
> Patricia A. Correia
> District 8 Fire Warden
> Leominster State Forest
> 90 Fitchburg Road
> Westminster, MA 01473-1644
> 978-874-0112 Fax 978-874-1096 Cell 508-889-2551
> patricia.correia at state.ma.us

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