[HFDlist] Ice Rescue Equipment

rnickerson at holdenma.gov rnickerson at holdenma.gov
Sat Mar 3 17:55:41 EST 2012

To All:

The Chief has recently commit ed to out fit the department with some  
new Ice Rescue Equipment.  This newly added equipment puts us in a  
much better position to execute a safe ice rescue. With an abnormally  
warm winter we have not had much ice to practice on, but my goal next  
year is to hold multiple ice rescue trainings one which will be a  
certification training.  If you have any questions please let me know.

Below is a list of new equipment and the trucks it was placed on.

E1  200ft. rope bag (Yellow)
     300ft. rope bag (Red)
     New PFD's
     2 sets of Ice Rescue Fins

E2  200ft. Rope bag (Yellow)
     300ft. Rope bag (Red)
     New "Sterns" Ice Rescue Suit (replaces old leaking gum by suit)
     2 sets of Ice Rescue Fins
     4 New PFD's

E3  2 New PFD's

Sq 1 New PFD's
      1 Set of Ice Rescue Fins


Rob Nickerson

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