Bergstrom, Peter W PBergstrom at ALLEGROMICRO.com
Mon Jun 11 15:49:30 EDT 2012


For your info in regards to the evening event, I did suggest the night offering of the picnic to the Chief and Manager as a possible way to include the majority of our members who can't attend a mid-day event. Due to primary or other employment or being off-shift, many HFD members were left out of the Appreciation event. As always, up to you if you want to go, but at least this year Town Management is trying to do something to fill the gap. We do not have drill that night, but if you can stop by and grab a free burger or hot dog, I hope you'll consider it.

Pete Bergstrom


-----Original Message-----
From: Leah Francese-Wood [mailto:lfwood at holdenma.gov] 
Sent: Monday, June 11, 2012 3:35 PM
To: Fire Depart listserv

Reminder, for On Call Firefighters than can't attend the Employee Appreciation Picnic tomorrow at Trout Brook, there will be another Appreciation Picnic Tuesday June 26th at athe PUblic Safety Building at 6:00 PM. If you are attending on June 26th, please let me know so I can give a count to the Manger's office. Thanks.
LEAH FRANCESE-WOOD/ Holden Fire Administration Office- 1370 Main Street- Holden, MA 01520 - Phone:(508) 210-5650 Fax: (508) 210-5657

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