[HFDlist] Info on EMS Instructor / Trainer course...

Jack Chandler jchandler at townofholden.net
Thu Jan 22 12:46:55 EST 2009

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	FW: EMS I/C Course- Please share
Date: 	Thu, 22 Jan 2009 12:42:29 -0500
From: 	Miller, MJ <MJ.MILLER at stvincenthospital.com>
To: 	Miller, MJ <MJ.MILLER at stvincenthospital.com>

 There are still openings if anyone is interested

Mark J. Miller, B.S. NREMT-P
EMS QI Liaison
St. Vincent Hospital
123 Summer St
Worcester MA 

Good morning!

You are receiving this email in response to your interest in the EMS
Instructor/Coordinator program. The next class will be held in Canton
and begin in mid-February. Attached you will find a flyer describing the
course as well as the link to the appropriate web site,
www.EMSTraining.biz where you can download the Registration
Form/Syllabus for the course. The registration form suggests that you
email ahead of registering to assure that there is space in the class-
because it is just being announced, that step is not necessary if you
register before the end of January.

Thank you,

Greg West

Jack Chandler, Chief
Holden Fire Department
1384 Main Street
Holden, Massachusetts 01520
Ph: 508-829-0266
Fax: 508-829-4411
JChandler at TownofHolden.net

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