[HFDlist] Fueling at DPW

Sean Smith ssmith at holdenma.gov
Mon Feb 13 20:31:16 UTC 2023

Good Afternoon,

Few issues have come up with the new fuel pumps and their operations-

1st- An issue has been identified anytime there is a power interruption, 
the fuel island shuts off as a safety measure, and has to be manually 
reset. If this is identified, contact the Officer on duty.

2nd- The DPW is keeping the first gate (nearest Main St) closed. They 
have found random people to be driving around the complex and not using 
the Main public entrance. The second gate is left open during normal 
operating hours and during storms. You may exit the complex from either 
gate, even if it is closed, by slowing pulling up to the gate and it 
will open and automatically close.

3rd- If you are getting fuel after hours, the gates are manually opened 
from a light switch mounted next to the control boxes. Reminder that if 
you open the gate with the manual switch, it must be manually closed 
with the switch when you are leaving. They have come in to find the 
gates were left in the open position after hours (not saying this was 
necessarily our doings).

4th- The DPW is still waiting for the parts for the key codes and FOB 
entry for the gates and building entry.

Any questions or issues, please let me know.


Sean M. Smith
Deputy Chief
Holden Fire Department
1370 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520
Phone: 508)210-5650

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