[HFDlist] Recall payroll sheets

Russ Hall rhall at holdenma.gov
Mon Apr 3 12:56:30 UTC 2023


When filling out the payroll sheets for recalls/training, please ensure 
that you are filling them out properly and completely so that there is 
no question or delay when it is received by the admin staff.  We have 
many that have come in with the basic information missing such as dates, 
times and call numbers.  If we are unable to interpret where and when it 
was from, it could lead missed payroll.  The info about the new payroll 
sheets has been in the last 3 weekly updates, so if you haven't read it 
yet, here it is:

Reminder, we have reworked the payroll sheet for recalls.This is going 
to allow us to better track our EMS and Fire recalls for statistical 
data analysis.The top header of the payroll sheet will now allow for 
checkoffs on Fire, EMS, Other and Training with a spot to write the 
address and call reason such as Fire Alarm, CO alarm, Unresponsive, 
Ladder Training etc.The Other category would only be used for items such 
as details, public education, CPR, vehicle delivery etc.

Thanks for your cooperation:

Chief Hall

Russ Hall
Fire Chief/EMD
Holden Fire Dept.
1370 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520
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