[HFDlist] Fwd: FREE Virtual Instructor Hazmat Class

Ethan Naiman enaiman at holdenma.gov
Tue Oct 18 13:19:05 UTC 2022


See below from CMEMSC regarding free con-ed opportunity.


----- Forwarded message from Christopher Baker <cbaker at cmemsc.org> -----
   Date: Tue, 18 Oct 2022 13:13:44 +0000
   From: Christopher Baker <cbaker at cmemsc.org>
Subject: FREE Virtual Instructor Hazmat Class
     To: Coned <coned at cmemsc.org>

   To All,





   Central MA EMS Corp is hosting a Virtual Hazmat for EMS Responders  
class. On October 26, 2022, this class will be FREE and presented with  
OEMS Credits. Mark your calendar and be on the look out for our link  
to the class. We will send out an email with the Link when it gets  
closer to the date.










   Christopher W Baker


   Education Director







   361 Holden Street


   Holden, MA 01520





   OFFICE: 508-854-0111


   CELL: 978-798-2336


   CMED: 508-854-0100


   FAX: 508-853-3672


   EMAIL: cbaker at CMEMSC.ORG


   WEBSITE: www.cmemsc.org





----- End forwarded message -----
    Ethan Naiman
   Lieutenant/EMS Coordinator
   Holden Fire Department
   1370 Main Street
   Holden, MA 01520
   Office: 508-210-5659
-------------- next part --------------
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