[HFDlist] Ambulance Line Coverage

Sean Smith ssmith at holdenma.gov
Fri Oct 29 13:42:33 UTC 2021

Good Afternoon.

In an effort to reduce the burden on our mutual aid partners, please use 
the following guidelines when utilizing ambulance line coverage.

Ambulance line coverage should only be requested when all on duty 
personnel/ ambulances are committed to transports. For example, if both 
ambulances are on transports and Car 3 is still covered, NO line 
coverage should be requested.

In the event that all on-duty personnel are on transports leaving no one 
left in town, then a EMS Recall should be requested along with line 
coverage from Paxton or West Boylston Fire.

As in the past, if you need a mutual aid ambulance as a primary 
transport unit, this should be requested from the closest mutual aid 
community, including Worcester EMS.

A Chief or the Shift Officer may deviate from these guidelines for 
extenuating circumstances as they see fit.

Any questions, please see myself or Chief Hall.


Sean M. Smith
Deputy Chief
Holden Fire Department
1370 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520
Phone: 508)210-5650

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