[HFDlist] EMS Week 2021

Russ Hall rhall at holdenma.gov
Thu May 20 13:49:34 UTC 2021


As Fire Chief, I would like to take this opportunity to honor all of our 
EMS Professionals for the dedicated work they do day in and day out.May 
16-22, 2021, is the 46th annual National EMS Week. In 1974, President 
Gerald Ford authorized EMS Week to celebrate EMS providers and the 
critical work they do in our communities.Over this past year, our EMS 
providers have been presented with challenges that they have never dealt 
with before and have performed at the highest level.Please join me in 
thanking our EMT’s and Paramedics for all that they do for the Town of 

Chief Hall

Russ Hall
Fire Chief/EMD
Holden Fire Dept.
1370 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520

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