[HFDlist] Fwd: Medical Helicopter Communications

Russ Hall rhall at holdenma.gov
Fri Feb 19 19:36:03 UTC 2021


In the event that we call a medical helicopter to the scene of an 
incident or are securing an LZ for another community, as of 4/1 there 
will be a change to communications.  Previously we could communicate 
with the medical helicopter over our main frequency but with this 
change, you will need to utilize UTAC 41D as the primary contact channel 
and 42D or 43D as a backup.   These frequencies are in all of our 
portables and also the mobile radios.  Please make yourself familiar 
with where these channels are.


Chief Hall

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Medical Helicopter Communications
Date: 	Wed, 17 Feb 2021 19:06:45 +0000
From: 	Chief David Hurlbut <dhurlbut at sterling-ma.gov>
To: 	Chief Dana Robinson <petershamfire at verizon.net>, Chief Dennis 
Letendre <newbraintreefirechief at gmail.com>, jlegendre at bolton-ma.gov 
<jlegendre at bolton-ma.gov>, Chief Joseph Flanagan 
<jflanagan at boylston-ma.gov>, John Bennett <jdbennett4 at yahoo.com>, Chief 
Patrick Sullivan <psullivan at lunenburgonline.com>, Chief Raymond Walker 
<hardwickfd at comcast.net>, Chief Richard Sicard <rsicard at harvard.ma.us>, 
fire at phillipston-ma.gov <fire at phillipston-ma.gov>, Chief Robert Hayes 
<hubbardstonfire at gmail.com>, Chief Thomas Smith <wfdchief39c at aol.com>, 
Chief Thomas Welsh <twelsh at westboylstonfire.org>, ChiefRobert Sideleau 
<rsideleau at leominster-ma.gov>, Mark Boynton 
<mboynton at townsendfire-ems.org>, Chief Michael Bussell 
<Fchief at ashbyma.gov>, Chief Rogowski <rrogowski at townofbarre.com>, Seth 
Knipe <sknipe at rutlandfd.us>, Chief Z. (FD8) 
<massfiredistrict8 at gmail.com>, Russ Hall <rhall at holdenma.gov>, 
mlutes at clintonfire.net <mlutes at clintonfire.net>, Kelly, Tim 
<TKelly at massdevelopment.com>, Kyle Butterfield 
<kbutterfield at westminster-ma.gov>, mhanson at lancasterfd.net 
<mhanson at lancasterfd.net>, ddickie at templetonma.gov 
<ddickie at templetonma.gov>, Troy Cooley <tcooley at shirley-ma.gov>, Mark 
Boynton <mboynton at townsendpd.org>, Chief Howe 
<timothy.howe at oakham-ma.gov>, amarrama at fitchburgma.gov 
<amarrama at fitchburgma.gov>, chiefrfd at royalston-ma.gov 
<chiefrfd at royalston-ma.gov>, Robert Plant <rplant at ashburnham-ma.gov>, 
Deputy Chief Johnston, AFD <tjohnston at ayer.ma.us>, 
chiefafd at townofathol.org <chiefafd at townofathol.org>, Michael Pingitore 
<mpingitore at townofpaxton.net>
CC: 	Chief David Hurlbut <dhurlbut at sterling-ma.gov>


You may be seeing the attached from a few sources but wanted to share it 
with you now that I received a copy. The New England Air Alliance (a 
consortium of all medical helicopters serving New England) is updating 
their communications plan.  Starting 4/1/21, they will be using the 
National Tactical Channels (by band, depending on the agency) for 
air-to-ground communications to coordinate LZ operations and no longer 
using individual agency frequency as that has become impossible to 
maintain (especially since they service all of New England).

See attached for the band for which you would be using based on your 
operational frequency.

Be safe,


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Russ Hall
Fire Chief/EMD
Holden Fire Dept.
1370 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520

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