[HFDlist] Fwd: Updated Comprehensive Personal Protective Equipment Guidance and Updated COVID-19 Guidance for Healthcare Providers

Ethan Naiman enaiman at holdenma.gov
Mon Aug 16 22:09:05 UTC 2021


Please see the attached advisories from DPH addressing PPE changes  
including increased mask usage and eye protection due to increasing  
cases across the commonwealth.

----- Forwarded message from "Cluett, William (DPH)"  
<william.cluett at state.ma.us> -----
   Date: Mon, 16 Aug 2021 21:58:48 +0000
   From: "Cluett, William (DPH)" <william.cluett at state.ma.us>
Subject: Updated Comprehensive Personal Protective Equipment Guidance  
and Updated COVID-19 Guidance for Healthcare Providers
     To: Russ Hall <enaiman at holdenma.gov>

   Dear Colleagues,


   The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) is sharing  
updated Comprehensive Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)  
guidance. DPH is updating this guidance to incorporate strategies for  
PPE use in settings where there are high numbers of individuals being  
quarantined or isolated due to COVID-19, and to reflect the increasing  
community prevalence of SARS-CoV-2. This guidance reinstates the need  
to wear eye protection during patient encounters as community-level  
transmission is high across the Commonwealth. 


   Please note, EMS personnel, as healthcare personnel, are required  
to follow the requirements as outlined in this guidance document. All  
healthcare personnel should don a facemask upon entry to the  
healthcare facility or care area, which in the case of EMS, is  
considered to include but not be limited to a patient’s home or inside  
an ambulance.


   DPH is also sharing updated COVID-19 guidance for healthcare  
providers in response to the increasing number of cases and community  
transmission in Massachusetts. Given these trends, DPH has removed the  
exception that staff may remove their masks when  
congregating. Additionally, DPH is reinforcing that staff should not  
come to work while symptomatic.


   Thank you for your ongoing dedication to your staff and patients  
throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. 


   Thank you,
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health









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----- End forwarded message -----
    Ethan Naiman
   EMS Coordinator
   Holden Fire Department
   1370 Main Street
   Holden, MA 01520
   Office: 508-210-5659
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