[HFDlist] Fwd: FW: FREE Skin Cancer Screening for Firefighters at Polar Park

Russ Hall rhall at holdenma.gov
Tue Aug 10 18:55:57 UTC 2021


See the message below regarding free skin cancer screenings for 

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	FW: FREE Skin Cancer Screening for Firefighters at Polar Park
Date: 	Tue, 10 Aug 2021 17:42:02 +0000
From: 	Chief David Hurlbut <dhurlbut at sterling-ma.gov>
To: 	Chief Dana Robinson <petershamfire at verizon.net>, Chief Dennis 
Letendre <newbraintreefirechief at gmail.com>, jlegendre at bolton-ma.gov 
<jlegendre at bolton-ma.gov>, Chief Joseph Flanagan 
<jflanagan at boylston-ma.gov>, John Bennett <jdbennett4 at yahoo.com>, Chief 
Patrick Sullivan <psullivan at lunenburgonline.com>, Chief Raymond Walker 
<hardwickfd at comcast.net>, Chief Richard Sicard <rsicard at harvard.ma.us>, 
fire at phillipston-ma.gov <fire at phillipston-ma.gov>, Chief Robert Hayes 
<hubbardstonfire at gmail.com>, Chief Thomas Smith <wfdchief39c at aol.com>, 
Chief Thomas Welsh <twelsh at westboylstonfire.org>, ChiefRobert Sideleau 
<rsideleau at leominster-ma.gov>, Mark Boynton 
<mboynton at townsendfire-ems.org>, Chief Michael Bussell 
<Fchief at ashbyma.gov>, Chief Rogowski <rrogowski at townofbarre.com>, Seth 
Knipe <sknipe at rutlandfd.us>, Chief Z. (FD8) 
<massfiredistrict8 at gmail.com>, Russ Hall <rhall at holdenma.gov>, 
mlutes at clintonfire.net <mlutes at clintonfire.net>, Kelly, Tim 
<TKelly at massdevelopment.com>, Kyle Butterfield 
<kbutterfield at westminster-ma.gov>, mhanson at lancasterfd.net 
<mhanson at lancasterfd.net>, ddickie at templetonma.gov 
<ddickie at templetonma.gov>, Troy Cooley <tcooley at shirley-ma.gov>, Mark 
Boynton <mboynton at townsendpd.org>, Chief Howe 
<timothy.howe at oakham-ma.gov>, amarrama at fitchburgma.gov 
<amarrama at fitchburgma.gov>, chiefrfd at royalston-ma.gov 
<chiefrfd at royalston-ma.gov>, Robert Plant <rplant at ashburnham-ma.gov>, 
Deputy Chief Johnston, AFD <tjohnston at ayer.ma.us>, 
chiefafd at townofathol.org <chiefafd at townofathol.org>, Michael Pingitore 
<mpingitore at townofpaxton.net>, glagoy at gardner-ma.gov 
<glagoy at gardner-ma.gov>
CC: 	Chief David Hurlbut <dhurlbut at sterling-ma.gov>


FYI below and attached from DetecTogether regarding free skin cancer 
screening coming up at Polar Park in Worcester.


*From:* Heather Maykel <heather.maykel at detectogether.org>
*Sent:* Tuesday, August 10, 2021 1:26 PM
*To:* Chief David Hurlbut <dhurlbut at sterling-ma.gov>
*Subject:* FREE Skin Cancer Screening for Firefighters at Polar Park

Dear David,
Hope all is well. I'm writing today to let you know about an opportunity 
for firefighters to get a free skin cancer screening.
DetecTogether has partnered with UMassMemorial Health and the Worcester 
Red Sox to offer a free skin screening clinic at Polar Park for 
firefighters on August 24 from 4-8pm.  We welcome all Massachusetts 
firefighters to sign up for the event.  Please forward this email to 
members of your department and any others who you think may be interested.
*Cancer screenings are an important part of early detection; and early 
detection saves lives!*

The event will be as follows:

  * We have the capacity to screen 165 firefighters for skin cancer for
    FREE. All firefighter participants will receive a FREE ticket to a
    WooSox game (game date tbd)
  * Firefighters needing follow up with dermatology will be scheduled on
    site in clinics specially reserved for firefighters.
  * Firefighters can also complete a questionnaire to determine f they
    need a colonoscopy (45 or older, family history of colon cancer,
    symptoms, etc) Gastroenterologists and surgeons from UMass will be
    there to answer questions about colonoscopies. Schedulers will be on
    site to book firefighters for special colonoscopy clinics reserved
    for firefighters. Any scheduled colonoscopies are not free, and will
    be billed to insurance/patient.
  * The Department of Fire Services will be there to provide guidance on
    enrolling firefighters in FREE lung cancer screenings and prostate
    cancer screening (chest CT scans and PSA blood tests).

Here's how to sign up:

1. Firefighters need to sign up for the skin screening using the 
Department of Fire Service's learning management system. 
<https://hraccess-us.technomedia.com/mfa/?_4x1F8B08000000000000006DCFB10A83301485E1B77194446F340E19B46A71AF73107BA5A12691DC58F0EDEB5AE972961F3E38F4C6E38EAE3D9CE220AB8231CD2B9E839442F331D78C6705D3F3B293F12E4117036EC1102ABB4C0986E0C3E3D850B1C44EEBB9FB6E9E3F9014009AC30817690B7E46A221A255D1FB9552C2399E85D28F21137D78798B8971268EE3D0FE35B38B49E7170545CF32C199845B59B2B2105D239B1ABAACEE735975E20B711A82A5F1000000>   I 
have attached directions for firefighters to sign up in the document 
called *skinscreening sign up no code*.
2. The slots available to your department are at the 15 minute and 45 
minute intervals - 4:15, 4:45, 5:15, 5:45, 6:15, 6:45, 7:15, 7:45). The 
slots will be filled on a first come, first served basis, so please 
encourage your members to sign up soon.  Other neighboring departments 
will also be invited.
3. I also have attached a poster for you to print and put up in the 
station about the event. It's 11x17.
4. Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your scheduled timeslot in order to 
complete a mandatory form.

Please let me know if you have questions. Happy to provide any guidance 
you may need. Thank you for helping us promote this awesome opportunity 
to help firefighters stay healthy!

Heather Maykel
First Responder Initiative Manager
774-452-0091 cell
DetecTogether: Saving Lives Through Early Cancer Detection.
DetecTogether, 53A Otis Street, P.O. BOX 1153; Westborough, MA 01581

When writing or responding, please be aware that the Massachusetts 
Secretary of the Commonwealth has determined that most email is a public 
record and, therefore, may not be kept confidential.  However, the 
preceding email message (including any attachments) contains information 
that may, under specific circumstances, be confidential, may be 
protected by law or other applicable privileges, or may constitute 
non-public information. It is intended to be conveyed only to the 
designated recipient(s) named above. If you are not an intended 
recipient of this message, please notify the sender by replying to this 
message and then delete all copies of it from your computer system. Any 
use, dissemination, distribution, or reproduction of this message by 
unintended recipients is not authorized and may be unlawful.

Russ Hall
Fire Chief/EMD
Holden Fire Dept.
1370 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520

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