[HFDlist] Staffing Update

Russ Hall rhall at holdenma.gov
Fri Jan 17 12:54:15 UTC 2020


Just a quick update on current department staffing.  We are currently down 4 full time positions due to 2 members out IOD, 1 member in the recruit academy and an open position.  FF Lyons has been moved to a group leaving the day shift positions currently unfilled.   FF Ed Murphy is no longer with the department and the FF/EMT-P position has been posted.  We anticipate resume reviews over the next week with interviews upcoming shortly.  The goal is to have someone on board as soon as possible.

We have added a new Auxiliary member, Issac Popek.  He will be assigned to respond to the Headquarters station and tentatively will be attending the academy starting in June.  I am sure some of you know, but longtime call firefighter Rob Beer has taken a leave of absence from the department.  He is currently attending the Massachusetts State Police Academy and we wish him the best of luck with this great opportunity.

We currently have 4 members attending the MFA recruit programs, Katie Goulding is in the career recruit program, Erinn O’Connell, Bill Campbell and Trevor Dion are in the Call/Vol program.  All are scheduled to graduate in February, we will send out the dates so members may attend the graduations.


Chief Hall

Russ Hall
Fire Chief/EMD
Holden Fire Dept.
1370 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520

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