[HFDlist] Lt Miller return to work

Sean Smith ssmith at holdenma.gov
Wed May 1 17:25:50 UTC 2019

Good Afternoon,

I am happy to report that Lt Miller has been cleared to return to full 
duty. He will be out on vacation time for a few more weeks before 
returning to his shift.

The Chief and I would like to thank Act. Lt Pierce and the members of 
Group 3 (Nickerson, Plasse, Casper) who have all stepped up over the 
last 5 months, covering the duties of the Shift Officer. (Including 
doing a great job at the fires they have caught!!)

Thanks again,


Sean Smith
Deputy Chief
Holden Fire Department
1370 Main Street
Holden, MA 01520
(508)210-5650/ Fax (508)210-5657

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